Domain Generation Algorithms Mitigation
Techniques Addressed by Mitigation |
Domain | ID | Name | Use | |
Enterprise | T1568 | T1568.002 | Dynamic Resolution: Domain Generation Algorithms |
Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level. Malware researchers can reverse engineer malware variants that use DGAs and determine future domains that the malware will attempt to contact, but this is a time and resource intensive effort.(Citation: Cybereason Dissecting DGAs)(Citation: Cisco Umbrella DGA Brute Force) Malware is also increasingly incorporating seed values that can be unique for each instance, which would then need to be determined to extract future generated domains. In some cases, the seed that a particular sample uses can be extracted from DNS traffic.(Citation: Akamai DGA Mitigation) Even so, there can be thousands of possible domains generated per day; this makes it impractical for defenders to preemptively register all possible C2 domains due to the cost. |
- Sternfeld, U. (2016). Dissecting Domain Generation Algorithms: Eight Real World DGA Variants. Retrieved February 18, 2019.
- Kasza, A. (2015, February 18). Using Algorithms to Brute Force Algorithms. Retrieved February 18, 2019.
- Liu, H. and Yuzifovich, Y. (2018, January 9). A Death Match of Domain Generation Algorithms. Retrieved February 18, 2019.
- Gardiner, J., Cova, M., Nagaraja, S. (2014, February). Command & Control Understanding, Denying and Detecting. Retrieved April 20, 2016.
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