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SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Browser Extensions

Adversaries may abuse Internet browser extensions to establish persistent access to victim systems. Browser extensions or plugins are small programs that can add functionality and customize aspects of Internet browsers. They can be installed directly or through a browser's app store and generally have access and permissions to everything that the browser can access.(Citation: Wikipedia Browser Extension)(Citation: Chrome Extensions Definition) Malicious extensions can be installed into a browser through malicious app store downloads masquerading as legitimate extensions, through social engineering, or by an adversary that has already compromised a system. Security can be limited on browser app stores so it may not be difficult for malicious extensions to defeat automated scanners.(Citation: Malicious Chrome Extension Numbers) Depending on the browser, adversaries may also manipulate an extension's update url to install updates from an adversary controlled server or manipulate the mobile configuration file to silently install additional extensions. Previous to macOS 11, adversaries could silently install browser extensions via the command line using the profiles tool to install malicious .mobileconfig files. In macOS 11+, the use of the profiles tool can no longer install configuration profiles, however .mobileconfig files can be planted and installed with user interaction.(Citation: xorrior chrome extensions macOS) Once the extension is installed, it can browse to websites in the background, steal all information that a user enters into a browser (including credentials), and be used as an installer for a RAT for persistence.(Citation: Chrome Extension Crypto Miner)(Citation: ICEBRG Chrome Extensions)(Citation: Banker Google Chrome Extension Steals Creds)(Citation: Catch All Chrome Extension) There have also been instances of botnets using a persistent backdoor through malicious Chrome extensions.(Citation: Stantinko Botnet) There have also been similar examples of extensions being used for command & control.(Citation: Chrome Extension C2 Malware)

ID: T1176
Tactic(s): Persistence
Platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows
Data Sources: Command: Command Execution, File: File Creation, Network Traffic: Network Connection Creation, Process: Process Creation, Windows Registry: Windows Registry Key Creation
Version: 1.2
Created: 16 Jan 2018
Last Modified: 20 Apr 2022

Procedure Examples

Name Description

Kimsuky has used Google Chrome browser extensions to infect victims and to steal passwords and cookies.(Citation: Zdnet Kimsuky Dec 2018)(Citation: Netscout Stolen Pencil Dec 2018)


OSX/Shlayer can install malicious Safari browser extensions to serve ads.(Citation: Intego Shlayer Apr 2018)(Citation: Malwarebytes Crossrider Apr 2018)


Grandoreiro can use malicious browser extensions to steal cookies and other user information.(Citation: IBM Grandoreiro April 2020)


Bundlore can install malicious browser extensions that are used to hijack user searches.(Citation: MacKeeper Bundlore Apr 2019)

Stolen Pencil

Stolen Pencil victims are prompted to install malicious Google Chrome extensions which gave the threat actor the ability to read data from any website accessed. (Citation: Netscout Stolen Pencil Dec 2018)


Mitigation Description
Limit Software Installation

Block users or groups from installing unapproved software.


Perform audits or scans of systems, permissions, insecure software, insecure configurations, etc. to identify potential weaknesses.

Update Software

Perform regular software updates to mitigate exploitation risk.

User Training

Train users to be aware of access or manipulation attempts by an adversary to reduce the risk of successful spearphishing, social engineering, and other techniques that involve user interaction.

Browser Extensions Mitigation

Only install browser extensions from trusted sources that can be verified. Ensure extensions that are installed are the intended ones as many malicious extensions will masquerade as legitimate ones. Browser extensions for some browsers can be controlled through Group Policy. Set a browser extension white or black list as appropriate for your security policy. (Citation: Technospot Chrome Extensions GP) Change settings to prevent the browser from installing extensions without sufficient permissions. Close out all browser sessions when finished using them.

Execution Prevention

Block execution of code on a system through application control, and/or script blocking.


Inventory and monitor browser extension installations that deviate from normal, expected, and benign extensions. Process and network monitoring can be used to detect browsers communicating with a C2 server. However, this may prove to be a difficult way of initially detecting a malicious extension depending on the nature and volume of the traffic it generates. Monitor for any new items written to the Registry or PE files written to disk. That may correlate with browser extension installation. On macOS, monitor the command line for usage of the profiles tool, such as profiles install -type=configuration. Additionally, all installed extensions maintain a plist file in the /Library/Managed Preferences/username/ directory. Ensure all listed files are in alignment with approved extensions.(Citation: xorrior chrome extensions macOS)


  1. Wikipedia. (2017, October 8). Browser Extension. Retrieved January 11, 2018.
  2. Vachon, F., Faou, M. (2017, July 20). Stantinko: A massive adware campaign operating covertly since 2012. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  3. Marinho, R. (n.d.). (Banker(GoogleChromeExtension)).targeting. Retrieved November 18, 2017.
  4. Marinho, R. (n.d.). "Catch-All" Google Chrome Malicious Extension Steals All Posted Data. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  5. Kjaer, M. (2016, July 18). Malware in the browser: how you might get hacked by a Chrome extension. Retrieved November 22, 2017.
  6. Jagpal, N., et al. (2015, August). Trends and Lessons from Three Years Fighting Malicious Extensions. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  8. Chrome. (n.d.). What are Extensions?. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  9. Chris Ross. (2019, February 8). No Place Like Chrome. Retrieved April 27, 2021.
  10. Brinkmann, M. (2017, September 19). First Chrome extension with JavaScript Crypto Miner detected. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  11. Sushko, O. (2019, April 17). macOS Bundlore: Mac Virus Bypassing macOS Security Features. Retrieved June 30, 2020.
  12. Mohta, A. (n.d.). Block Chrome Extensions using Google Chrome Group Policy Settings. Retrieved January 10, 2018.
  13. ASERT team. (2018, December 5). STOLEN PENCIL Campaign Targets Academia. Retrieved February 5, 2019.
  14. Cimpanu, C.. (2018, December 5). Cyber-espionage group uses Chrome extension to infect victims. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
  15. Abramov, D. (2020, April 13). Grandoreiro Malware Now Targeting Banks in Spain. Retrieved November 12, 2020.
  16. Reed, Thomas. (2018, April 24). New Crossrider variant installs configuration profiles on Macs. Retrieved September 6, 2019.
  17. Vrijenhoek, Jay. (2018, April 24). New OSX/Shlayer Malware Variant Found Using a Dirty New Trick. Retrieved September 6, 2019.


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