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CIS Critical Security Controls v7.1 (SANS Top 20)
CSC 11
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Список требований
CSC 11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices
Maintain documented security configuration standards for all authorized network devices.Обязательно для implementation Group 2 3 -
CSC 11.2 Document Traffic Configuration Rules
All configuration rules that allow traffic to flow through network devices should be documented in a configuration management system with a specific business reason for each rule, a specific individual’s name responsible for that business need, and an expected duration of the need.Обязательно для implementation Group 2 3 -
CSC 11.7 Manage Network Infrastructure Through a Dedicated Network
Manage the network infrastructure across network connections that are separated from the business use of that network, relying on separate VLANs or, preferably, on entirely different physical connectivity for management sessions for network devices.Обязательно для implementation Group 2 3
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