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CIS Critical Security Controls v7.1 (SANS Top 20)
CSC 20
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Список требований
CSC 20.5 Create Test Bed for Elements Not Typically Tested in Production
Create a test bed that mimics a production environment for specific penetration tests and Red Team attacks against elements that are not typically tested in production, such as attacks against supervisory control and data acquisition and other control systems.Обязательно для implementation Group 2 3 -
CSC 20.6 Use Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing Tools in Concert
Use vulnerability scanning and penetration testing tools in concert. The results of vulnerability scanning assessments should be used as a starting point to guide and focus penetration testing efforts.Обязательно для implementation Group 2 3 -
CSC 20.7 Ensure Results from Penetration Test are Documented Using Open, Machine-readable Standards
Wherever possible, ensure that Red Team results are documented using open, machine-readable standards (e.g., SCAP). Devise a scoring method for determining the results of Red Team exercises so that results can be compared over time.Обязательно для implementation Group 3 -
CSC 20.8 Control and Monitor Accounts Associated with Penetration Testing
Any user or system accounts used to perform penetration testing should be controlled and monitored to make sure they are only being used for legitimate purposes, and are removed or restored to normal function after testing is over.Обязательно для implementation Group 2 3
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