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OWASP Building Security In Maturity Model
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Список требований
Security-aware reviewers identify application security features, review these features against application security requirements and runtime parameters, and determine if each feature can adequately perform its intended function—usually collectively referred to as threat modeling. The goal is to quickly identify missing security features and requirements, or bad deployment configuration (authentication, access control, use of cryptography, etc.), and address them. For example, threat modeling would identify both a system that was subject to escalation of privilege attacks because of broken access control as well as a mobile application that incorrectly puts PII in local storage. Use of the firm’s secureby-design components often streamlines this process (see [SFD2.1]). Many modern applications are no longer simply “3-tier” but instead involve components architected to interact across a variety of tiers—browser/endpoint, embedded, web, microservices, orchestration engines, deployment pipelines, third-party SaaS, etc. Some of these environments might provide robust security feature sets, whereas others might have key capability gaps that require careful analysis, so organizations should consider the applicability and correct use of security features across all tiers that constitute the architecture and operational environment. -
Perform a design review to determine whether the security features and deployment configuration are resistant to attack in an attempt to break the design. The goal is to extend the more formulaic approach of a security feature review (see [AA1.1]) to model application behavior in the context of real-world attackers and attacks. Reviewers must have some experience beyond simple threat modeling to include performing detailed design reviews and breaking the design under consideration. Rather than security feature guidance, a design review should produce a set of flaws and a plan to mitigate them. An organization can use consultants to do this work, but it should participate actively. A review focused only on whether a software project has performed the right process steps won’t generate useful results about flaws. Note that a sufficiently robust design review process can’t be executed at CI/CD speed, so organizations should focus on a few high-risk applications to start (see [AA1.4]). -
Define and use a process for AA that extends the design review (see [AA1.2]) to also document business risk in addition to technical flaws. The goal is to identify application design flaws as well as the associated risk (e.g., impact of exploitation), such as through frequency or probability analysis, to more completely inform stakeholder risk management efforts. The AA process includes a standardized approach for thinking about attacks, vulnerabilities, and various security properties. The process is defined well enough that people outside the SSG can carry it out. It’s important to document both the architecture under review and any security flaws uncovered, as well as risk information that people can understand and use. Microsoft Threat Modeling, Versprite PASTA, and Black Duck ARA are examples of such a process, although these will likely need to be tailored to a given environment. In some cases, performing AA and documenting business risk is done by different teams working together in a single process. Uncalibrated or ad hoc AA approaches don’t count as a defined process. -
The SSG takes a lead role in performing design review (see [AA1.2]) to uncover flaws. Breaking down an architecture is enough of an art that the SSG, or other reviewers outside the application team, must be proficient, and proficiency requires practice. This practice might then enable, e.g., champions to take the day-to-day lead while the SSG maintains leadership around knowledge and process. The SSG can’t be successful on its own either—it will likely need help from architects or implementers to understand the design. With a clear design in hand, the SSG might be able to carry out a detailed review with a minimum of interaction with the project team. Approaches to design review evolve over time, so don’t expect to set a process and use it forever. Outsourcing design review might be necessary, but it’s also an opportunity to participate and learn. -
Engineering teams lead AA to uncover technical flaws and document business risk. This effort requires a well-understood and well-documented process (see [AA2.1]). But even with a good process, consistency is difficult to attain because breaking architecture requires experience, so provide architects with SSG or outside expertise in an advisory capacity. Engineering teams performing AA might normally have responsibilities such as development, DevOps, cloud security, operations security, security architecture, or a variety of similar roles. The process is more useful if the AA team is different from the design team. -
Failures identified during threat modeling, design review, or AA are fed back to security and engineering teams so that similar mistakes can be prevented in the future through improved design patterns, whether local to a team or formally approved for everyone (see [SFD3.1]). This typically requires a root-cause analysis process that determines the origin of security flaws, searches for what should have prevented the flaw, and makes the necessary improvements in documented security design patterns. Note that security design patterns can interact in surprising ways that break security, so apply analysis processes even when vetted design patterns are in standard use. For cloud services, providers have learned a lot about how their platforms and services fail to resist attack and have codified this experience into patterns for secure use. Organizations that heavily rely on these services might base their applicationlayer patterns on those building blocks provided by the cloud service provider (for example, AWS CloudFormation and Azure Blueprints) when making their own. -
To build organizational AA capability, the SSG advertises experts as resources or mentors for teams using the AA process (see [AA2.1]). This effort might enable, e.g., security champions, site reliability engineers, DevSecOps engineers, and others to take the lead while the SSG offers advice. As one example, mentors help tailor AA process inputs (such as design or attack patterns) to make them more actionable for specific technology stacks. This reusable guidance helps protect the team’s time so they can focus on the problems that require creative solutions rather than enumerating known bad habits. While the SSG might answer AA questions during office hours (see [T2.12]), they will often assign a mentor to work with a team, perhaps comprising both security-aware engineers and risk analysts, for the duration of the analysis. In the case of high-risk software, the SSG should play a more active mentorship role in applying the AA process.
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