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OWASP Building Security In Maturity Model
CMVM2.4: 41
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Список требований
Provide external bug reporters with a line of communication to internal security experts through a low-friction, public entry point. These experts work with bug reporters to invoke any necessary organizational responses and to coordinate with external entities throughout the defect management lifecycle. Successful disclosure processes require insight from internal stakeholders, such as legal, marketing, and public relations roles, to simplify and expedite decision-making during software security crises (see [CMVM3.3]). Although bug bounties might be important to motivate some researchers (see [CMVM3.4]), proper public attribution and a low-friction reporting process is often sufficient motivation for researchers to participate in a coordinated disclosure. Most organizations will use a combination of easy-to-find landing pages, common email addresses (security@), and embedded product documentation when appropriate (security.txt) as an entry point for external reporters to invoke this process.
Название | Severity | IP | Integral | |
1111111 111 11 1111 11111111111111111 1111111 1 11111111111111111 |
1 |
11 111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111 1111 1 11111 1111111 |
1 |
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