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OWASP Building Security In Maturity Model
CMVM3.6: 4
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Список требований
The organization collects and publishes risk information about the applications, services, APIs, containers, and other software it deploys. Whether captured through manual processes or telemetry automation, published information extends beyond basic software security (see [SM2.1]) and inventory data (see [CMVM2.3]) to include risk information. This information usually includes constituency of the software (e.g., BOMs [SE3.6]), provenance data about what group created it and how, and the risks associated with known vulnerabilities, deployment models, security controls, or other security characteristics intrinsic to each artifact. This approach stimulates cross-functional coordination and helps stakeholders take informed risk management action. Making a list of risks that aren’t used for decision support won’t achieve useful results.
Название | Severity | IP | Integral | |
1111111 111 11 1111 11111111111111111 1111111 1 11111111111111111 |
1 |
11 111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111 1111 1 11111 1111111 |
1 |
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