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OWASP Building Security In Maturity Model
ST3.4: 5
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Список требований
Testers measure the code coverage of their application security testing to identify code that isn’t being exercised and then adjust test cases to incrementally improve coverage. AST can include automated testing (see [ST2.5], [ST2.6]) and manual testing (see [ST1.1], [ST1.3]). In turn, code coverage analysis drives increased security testing depth. Coverage analysis is easier when using standard measurements, such as function coverage, line coverage, or multiple condition coverage. The point is to measure how broadly the test cases cover the security requirements, which is not the same as measuring how broadly the test cases exercise the code.
Название | Severity | IP | Integral | |
1111111 111 11 1111 11111111111111111 1111111 1 11111111111111111 |
1 |
11 111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111 1111 1 11111 1111111 |
1 |
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