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SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Framework № PCI DSS 4.0 от 01.03.2022

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (RU)

Requirement 11.3.2

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Список требований

Похожие требования

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (RU):
ID.RA-5: Угрозы, уязвимости, вероятности и воздействия используются для определения риска 
PR.IP-12: Разработан и внедрен план управления уязвимостями
Framework № PCI DSS 4.0 от 01.03.2022 "Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard":
Requirement 11.3.2
Defined Approach Requirements: 
External vulnerability scans are performed as follows:
  • At least once every three months.
  • By a PCI SSC Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV).
  • Vulnerabilities are resolved and ASV Program Guide requirements for a passing scan are met.
  • Rescans are performed as needed to confirm that vulnerabilities are resolved per the ASV Program Guide requirements for a passing scan. 
Customized Approach Objective:
This requirement is not eligible for the customized approach. 

Applicability Notes:
For initial PCI DSS compliance, it is not required that four passing scans be completed within 12 months if the assessor verifies: 1) the most recent scan result was a passing scan, 2) the entity has documented policies and procedures requiring scanning at least once every three months, and 3) vulnerabilities noted in the scan results have been corrected as shown in a re-scan(s). 
However, for subsequent years after the initial PCI DSS assessment, passing scans at least every three months must have occurred. 
ASV scanning tools can scan a vast array of network types and topologies. Any specifics about the target environment (for example, load balancers, third-party providers, ISPs, specific configurations, protocols in use, scan interference) should be worked out between the ASV and scan customer. 
Refer to the ASV Program Guide published on the PCI SSC website for scan customer responsibilities, scan preparation, etc. 

Defined Approach Testing Procedures:
  • 11.3.2.a Examine ASV scan reports from the last 12 months to verify that external vulnerability scans occurred at least once every three months in the most recent 12-month period. 
  • 11.3.2.b Examine the ASV scan report from each scan and rescan run in the last 12 months to verify that vulnerabilities are resolved and the ASV Program Guide requirements for a passing scan are met. 
  • 11.3.2.c Examine the ASV scan reports to verify that the scans were completed by a PCI SSC Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV). 
Attackers routinely look for unpatched or vulnerable externally facing servers, which can be leveraged to launch a directed attack. Organizations must ensure these externally facing devices are regularly scanned for weaknesses and that vulnerabilities are patched or remediated to protect the entity. 
Because external networks are at greater risk of compromise, external vulnerability scanning must be performed at least once every three months by a PCI SSC Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV). 

Good Practice:
While scans are required at least once every three months, more frequent scans are recommended depending on the network complexity, frequency of change, and types of devices, software, and operating systems used. 
Multiple scan reports can be combined to show that all systems were scanned and that all applicable vulnerabilities were resolved as part of the three-month vulnerability scan cycle. However, additional documentation may be required to verify non-remediated vulnerabilities are in the process of being resolved. 
ГОСТ Р № ИСО/МЭК 27001-2021 от 01.01.2022 "Информационная технология. Методы и средства обеспечения безопасности. Системы менеджмента информационной безопасности. Требования - Приложение А":
A.12.6.1 Процесс управления техническими уязвимостями 
Мера обеспечения информационной безопасности: Должна быть своевременно получена информация о технических уязвимостях используемых информационных систем, оценена подверженность организации таким уязвимостям, и должны быть приняты соответствующие меры в отношении связанного с этим риска информационной безопасности 
Методика экспресс-оценки уровня кибербезопасности организации РезБез:
Контроль устранения уязвимостей осуществляется на регулярной основе
Установлены и соблюдаются сроки по устранению уязвимостей
Контроль устранения уязвимостей осуществляется на регулярной основе и автоматизирован с помощью решения класса vulnerability management (VM)
SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework v2022:
2 - 2.7 Vulnerability Scanning
2.7 Vulnerability Scanning 
NIST Cybersecurity Framework (EN):
ID.RA-5 ID.RA-5: Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and impacts are used to determine risk
PR.IP-12 PR.IP-12: A vulnerability management plan is developed and implemented

Связанные защитные меры

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