Control Objectives:
2.3 A formal software security strategy for ensuring the security of the software vendor’s products and services and satisfying its software security policy is established and maintained.
Test Requirements:
2.3.a The assessor shall examine vendor evidence and interview responsible personnel to confirm the following:
- A strategy for ensuring the security of the software vendor’s products and services is defined.
- The software security strategy clearly outlines how the software security policy is to be satisfied.
- The software security strategy is based on or aligned with industry-accepted methodologies.
- The software security strategy covers the entire lifecycle of the software vendor’s products and services.
- The software security strategy is communicated to appropriate personnel, including software development personnel.
- The software security strategy is reviewed at least annually and updated as needed (such as when business needs, external drivers, and products and services evolve).
2.3.b The assessor shall interview a sample of software development personnel to confirm they are aware of and understand the software security strategy.
A software security strategy is a high-level plan, roadmap, or methodology for ensuring the secure design, development, and maintenance of the software vendor’s products and services, and adherence to the software vendor’s software security policy.
Software vendors should either adopt existing or develop their own frameworks or methodologies in accordance with industry-accepted practices for secure software lifecycle management. By aligning its software security strategy with industry-accepted methodologies, the software vendor is less likely to overlook important aspects of secure software lifecycle management.
Software vendors that develop their own methodologies should understand how they differ from industry-accepted methodologies, identify any gaps, and ensure that sufficient evidence is maintained to clearly illustrate how their methodologies are at least as effective as those accepted by the industry. Examples of industry-accepted methodologies that are commonly used as benchmarks for secure software development and management include, but are not limited to, current versions of:
- ISO/IEC 27034 Application Security Guidelines
- Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM)
- OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (OpenSAMM)
- NIST Special Publication 800-160 and its Appendixes
The software security strategy should evolve as internal factors— such as the software vendor’s business strategy or product/service offerings—or external factors—such as external security and compliance requirements—evolve. Therefore, the software security strategy is not static and should be periodically reviewed and updated to maintain alignment with business needs and priorities.
Evidence to support this requirement might include documented security plans or methodologies, presentations, policies and processes, training materials, meeting minutes, interviewer notes, e-mails or executive communications, mappings, or references to industry-accepted methodologies, gap analysis results, or any other records or documentation that clearly and consistently illustrates that the vendor has made a reasonable effort to develop, maintain, and keep current a formal strategy for satisfying the vendor’s software security policy.