Techniques Used |
Domain | ID | Name | Use | |
Enterprise | T1055 | .001 | Process Injection: Dynamic-link Library Injection |
After decrypting itself in memory, RARSTONE downloads a DLL file from its C2 server and loads it in the memory space of a hidden Internet Explorer process. This “downloaded” file is actually not dropped onto the system.(Citation: Camba RARSTONE) |
Groups That Use This Software |
ID | Name | References |
G0019 | Naikon |
(Citation: Baumgartner Naikon 2015) (Citation: CameraShy) |
- Aquino, M. (2013, June 13). RARSTONE Found In Targeted Attacks. Retrieved December 17, 2015.
- Camba, A. (2013, February 27). BKDR_RARSTONE: New RAT to Watch Out For. Retrieved January 8, 2016.
- Baumgartner, K., Golovkin, M.. (2015, May). The MsnMM Campaigns: The Earliest Naikon APT Campaigns. Retrieved April 10, 2019.
- ThreatConnect Inc. and Defense Group Inc. (DGI). (2015, September 23). Project CameraShy: Closing the Aperture on China's Unit 78020. Retrieved December 17, 2015.
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