Techniques Used |
Domain | ID | Name | Use | |
Enterprise | T1074 | .001 | Data Staged: Local Data Staging |
SLOWPULSE can write logged ACE credentials to `/home/perl/` in append mode, using the format string `%s:%s\n`.(Citation: Mandiant Pulse Secure Zero-Day April 2021) |
Enterprise | T1556 | .004 | Modify Authentication Process: Network Device Authentication |
SLOWPULSE can modify LDAP and two factor authentication flows by inspecting login credentials and forcing successful authentication if the provided password matches a chosen backdoor password.(Citation: Mandiant Pulse Secure Zero-Day April 2021) |
.006 | Modify Authentication Process: Multi-Factor Authentication |
SLOWPULSE can insert malicious logic to bypass RADIUS and ACE two factor authentication (2FA) flows if a designated attacker-supplied password is provided.(Citation: Mandiant Pulse Secure Zero-Day April 2021) |
Groups That Use This Software |
ID | Name | References |
G1023 | APT5 |
(Citation: Mandiant Pulse Secure Zero-Day April 2021) |
- Perez, D. et al. (2021, April 20). Check Your Pulse: Suspected APT Actors Leverage Authentication Bypass Techniques and Pulse Secure Zero-Day. Retrieved February 5, 2024.
- Perez, D. et al. (2021, May 27). Re-Checking Your Pulse: Updates on Chinese APT Actors Compromising Pulse Secure VPN Devices. Retrieved February 5, 2024.
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