Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure:  Modify Cloud Compute Configurations

Adversaries may modify settings that directly affect the size, locations, and resources available to cloud compute infrastructure in order to evade defenses. These settings may include service quotas, subscription associations, tenant-wide policies, or other configurations that impact available compute. Such modifications may allow adversaries to abuse the victim’s compute resources to achieve their goals, potentially without affecting the execution of running instances and/or revealing their activities to the victim. For example, cloud providers often limit customer usage of compute resources via quotas. Customers may request adjustments to these quotas to support increased computing needs, though these adjustments may require approval from the cloud provider. Adversaries who compromise a cloud environment may similarly request quota adjustments in order to support their activities, such as enabling additional Resource Hijacking without raising suspicion by using up a victim’s entire quota.(Citation: Microsoft Cryptojacking 2023) Adversaries may also increase allowed resource usage by modifying any tenant-wide policies that limit the sizes of deployed virtual machines.(Citation: Microsoft Azure Policy) Adversaries may also modify settings that affect where cloud resources can be deployed, such as enabling Unused/Unsupported Cloud Regions.

ID: T1578.005
Sub-technique of:  T1578
Tactic(s): Defense Evasion
Platforms: IaaS
Data Sources: Cloud Service: Cloud Service Modification
Created: 05 Sep 2023
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2024


Mitigation Description
User Account Management

Manage the creation, modification, use, and permissions associated to user accounts.


Perform audits or scans of systems, permissions, insecure software, insecure configurations, etc. to identify potential weaknesses.

Связанные риски

Ничего не найдено


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