Event Triggered Execution: Udev Rules
Other sub-techniques of Event Triggered Execution (17)
Adversaries may maintain persistence through executing malicious content triggered using udev rules. Udev is the Linux kernel device manager that dynamically manages device nodes, handles access to pseudo-device files in the `/dev` directory, and responds to hardware events, such as when external devices like hard drives or keyboards are plugged in or removed. Udev uses rule files with `match keys` to specify the conditions a hardware event must meet and `action keys` to define the actions that should follow. Root permissions are required to create, modify, or delete rule files located in `/etc/udev/rules.d/`, `/run/udev/rules.d/`, `/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/`, `/usr/local/lib/udev/rules.d/`, and `/lib/udev/rules.d/`. Rule priority is determined by both directory and by the digit prefix in the rule filename.(Citation: Ignacio Udev research 2024)(Citation: Elastic Linux Persistence 2024) Adversaries may abuse the udev subsystem by adding or modifying rules in udev rule files to execute malicious content. For example, an adversary may configure a rule to execute their binary each time the pseudo-device file, such as `/dev/random`, is accessed by an application. Although udev is limited to running short tasks and is restricted by systemd-udevd's sandbox (blocking network and filesystem access), attackers may use scripting commands under the action key `RUN+=` to detach and run the malicious content’s process in the background to bypass these controls.(Citation: Reichert aon sedexp 2024)
Monitor file creation and modification of Udev rule files in `/etc/udev/rules.d/`, `/lib/udev/rules.d/`, and /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/, specifically the `RUN` action key commands.(Citation: Ignacio Udev research 2024)
- Zachary Reichert. (2024, August 19). Unveiling "sedexp": A Stealthy Linux Malware Exploiting udev Rules. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
- Ruben Groenewoud. (2024, August 29). Linux Detection Engineering - A Sequel on Persistence Mechanisms. Retrieved October 16, 2024.
- Eder P. Ignacio. (2024, February 21). Leveraging Linux udev for persistence. Retrieved September 26, 2024.
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