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Стандарт № ISO/IEC 27001:2022(E) от 25.10.2022
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Information security management systems — Requirements. Body
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
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Список требований
6.1.2 Information security risk assessment
The organization shall define and apply an information security risk assessment process that:- a) establishes and maintains information security risk criteria that include:
- 1) the risk acceptance criteria; and
- 2) criteria for performing information security risk assessments;
- b) ensures that repeated information security risk assessments produce consistent, valid and comparable results;
- c) identifies the information security risks:
- 1) apply the information security risk assessment process to identify risks associated with the loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability for information within the scope of the information security management system; and
- 2) identify the risk owners;
- d) analyses the information security risks:
- e) evaluates the information security risks:
- 1) compare the results of risk analysis with the risk criteria established in 6.1.2 a); and
- 2) prioritize the analysed risks for risk treatment.
The organization shall retain documented information about the information security risk assessment process. - a) establishes and maintains information security risk criteria that include:
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