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OWASP Building Security In Maturity Model
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Список требований
The process for addressing software security is defined, published internally, and broadcast to all stakeholders so that everyone knows the plan. Goals, roles, responsibilities, and activities are explicitly defined. Most organizations examine existing methodologies, such as the NIST SSDF, Microsoft SDL, or Black Duck Touchpoints, then tailor them to meet their needs. Security activities will be adapted to software lifecycle processes (e.g., waterfall, Agile, CI/CD, DevOps), so activities will evolve with both the organization and the security landscape. The process doesn’t need to be publicly promoted outside the firm to have the desired impact (see [SM3.2]). In addition to publishing the written process, some firms also automate parts (e.g., a testing strategy) as governance-as-code (see [SM3.4]). -
The software security process includes checkpoints (such as gates, release conditions, guardrails, milestones, etc.) at one or more points in a software lifecycle. The first two steps toward establishing security-specific checkpoint conditions are to identify process locations that are compatible with existing development practices and to then begin gathering the information necessary, such as risk-ranking thresholds or defect data, to make a go/no-go decision. Importantly, the conditions need not be enforced at this stage—e.g., the SSG can collect security testing results for each project prior to release, then provide an informed opinion on what constitutes sufficient testing or acceptable test results without trying to stop a project from moving forward (see [SM1.7]). Shorter release cycles might require creative approaches to collecting the right evidence and rely heavily on automation. Socializing the conditions and then enforcing them once most project teams already know how to succeed is a gradual approach that motivates good behavior without introducing unnecessary friction. -
Enforce security release conditions at each checkpoint (gate, guardrail, milestone, etc.) for every project, so that each project must either meet an established measure or follow a defined process for obtaining an exception to move forward. Use internal policies and standards, regulations, contractual agreements, and other obligations to define release conditions, then track all exceptions. Verifying conditions yields data that informs the KRIs and any other metrics used to govern the process. Automatically giving software a passing grade or granting exceptions without due consideration defeats the purpose of verifying conditions. Even seemingly innocuous software projects (e.g., small code changes, infrastructure access control changes, deployment blueprints) must successfully satisfy the prescribed security conditions as they progress through the software lifecycle. Similarly, APIs, frameworks, libraries, bespoke code, microservices, container configurations, etc., are all software that must satisfy security release conditions. It’s possible, and often very useful, to have verified the conditions both before and after the development process itself. In modern development environments, the verification process will increasingly become automated (see [SM3.4]). -
Form a collection of people scattered across the organization— often called security champions—who show an above-average level of security interest or skill and who contribute software security expertise to development, QA, and operations teams. Forming this social network of advocates is a good step toward scaling security into software engineering. One way to build the initial group is to track the people who stand out during introductory training courses (see [T3.6]). Another way is to ask for volunteers. In a more top-down approach, initial champions membership is assigned to ensure good coverage of development groups, but ongoing membership is based on actual performance. The champions can act as a sounding board for new projects and, in new or fast-moving technology areas, can help combine software security skills with domain knowledge that might be under-represented in the SSG or engineering teams. Agile coaches, scrum masters, and DevOps engineers can make particularly useful champions members, especially for detecting and removing process friction. In some environments, champions-led efforts are delivered via automation (e.g., as-code). -
The organization has an initiative-wide process for documenting accountability and accepting security risk by having a risk owner use SSG-approved criteria to sign off on the state of all software prior to release. The sign-off policy might also require the accountable person to, e.g., acknowledge critical vulnerabilities that have not been mitigated or SSDL steps that have been skipped. Informal or uninformed risk acceptance alone isn’t a security sign-off because the act of accepting risk is more effective when it’s formalized (e.g., with a signature, a form submission, or something similar) and captured for future reference. Similarly, simply stating that certain projects don’t need sign-off at all won’t achieve the desired risk management results. In some cases, however, the risk owner can provide the sign-off on a particular set of software project acceptance criteria, which are then implemented in automation to provide governance-as-code (see [SM3.4]), but there must be an ongoing verification that the criteria remain accurate and the automation is working. -
Build support for software security throughout the organization via ongoing evangelism and ensure that everyone aligns on security objectives. This internal marketing function, often performed by a variety of stakeholder roles, keeps executives and others up to date on the magnitude of the software security problem and the elements of its solution. A champion or a scrum master familiar with security, for example, could help teams adopt better software security practices as they transform to Agile and DevOps methods. Similarly, a cloud expert could demonstrate the changes needed in security architecture and testing for serverless applications. Evangelists can increase understanding and build credibility by giving talks to internal groups (including executives), publishing roadmaps, authoring technical papers for internal consumption, or creating a collection of papers, books, and other resources on an internal website (see [SR1.2]) and promoting its use. In turn, organizational feedback becomes a useful source of improvement ideas. -
Organizations begin replacing traditional document-, presentation-, and spreadsheet-based lifecycle management with software-based delivery platforms. For some software lifecycle phases, humans are no longer the primary drivers of progression from one phase to the next. Instead, organizations rely on automation to drive the management and delivery process with software such as Spinnaker or GitHub, and humans participate asynchronously (and often optionally). Automation often extends beyond the scope of CI/ CD to include functional and nonfunctional aspects of delivery, such as health checks, cut-over on failure, rollback to known-good state, defect discovery and management, compliance verification, and a way to ensure adherence to policies and standards. Some organizations are also evolving their lifecycle management approach by integrating their compliance and defect discovery data, perhaps augmented by intelligence feeds and other external data, to begin moving from a series of point-in-time go/ no-go decisions (e.g., release conditions) to a future state of continuous accumulation of assurance data (see [CMVM3.6]). -
Organizational risk management processes ensure that important software created by and entering the organization is managed through policy-driven access and usage controls, maintenance standards (see [SE3.9]), and captured software provenance data (see [SE2.4]). Apply these processes to external (see [SR2.7]), bespoke, and internally developed software (see [SE3.9]) to help ensure that deployed code has the expected components (see [SE3.8]). The lifecycle management for all software, from creation or importation through secure deployment, ensures that all access, usage, and modifications are done in accordance with policy. This assurance is easier to implement at scale using automation in software lifecycle processes (see [SM3.4]).
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