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OWASP Building Security In Maturity Model
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Список требований
The organization meets the demand for security guidance by creating standards that explain the required way to adhere to policy and carry out security-centric design, development, and operations. A standard might mandate how to perform identity-based application authentication or how to implement transport-level security, perhaps with the SSG ensuring the availability of a reference implementation. Standards often apply to software beyond the scope of an application’s code, including container construction, orchestration, infrastructureas-code, and cloud security configuration. Standards can be deployed in a variety of ways to keep them actionable and relevant. For example, they can be automated into development environments (such as an IDE or toolchain) or explicitly linked to code examples and deployment artifacts (e.g., containers). In any case, to be considered standards, they must be adopted and enforced. Standards for technology stacks [SR3.4] and standards for incorporating new technologies [SR3.5] can be expected to aid in the creation of these standards but are not required. -
The organization has a well-known central location for information about software security. Typically, this is an internal website maintained by the SSG and security champions that people refer to for current information on security policies, standards, and requirements, as well as for other resources (such as training). An interactive portal is better than a static portal with guideline documents that rarely change. Organizations often supplement these materials with mailing lists, chat channels (see [T2.12]), and face-to-face meetings. Development teams are increasingly putting software security knowledge directly into toolchains and automation that are outside the organization (e.g., GitHub), but that does not remove the need for SSG-led knowledge management. -
Compliance constraints are translated into security requirements for individual projects and communicated to the engineering teams. This is a linchpin in the organization’s compliance strategy—by representing compliance constraints explicitly with requirements and informing stakeholders, the organization demonstrates that compliance is a manageable task. For example, if the organization builds software that processes credit card transactions, PCI DSS compliance plays a role during the security requirements phase. In other cases, technology standards built for international interoperability can include security guidance on compliance needs. Representing these standards as requirements also helps with traceability and visibility in the event of an audit. It’s particularly useful to codify the requirements into reusable code (see [SFD2.1]) or artifact deployment specifications (see [SE1.4]). -
Identify open source components and dependencies included in the organization’s code repositories and built software, then review them to understand their security posture. Organizations use a variety of tools and metadata provided by delivery pipelines to discover old versions of open source components with known vulnerabilities or that their software relies on multiple versions of the same component. Scale efforts by using automated tools to find open source, whether whole components or perhaps large chunks of borrowed code. Some software development pipeline platforms, container registries, and middleware platforms have begun to provide this visibility as metadata (e.g., SBOMs [SE3.6]) resulting from behindthe-scenes artifact scanning. Some organizations combine composition analysis results from multiple phases of the software lifecycle to get a more complete and accurate list of the open source being included in production software. -
The SSG works with the legal department to create standard SLA boilerplate for use in contracts with vendors and outsource providers, including cloud providers, to require software security efforts on their part. The legal department might also leverage the boilerplate to help prevent compliance and privacy problems. Under the agreement, vendors and outsource providers must meet company-mandated software security SLAs (see [CP2.4]). Boilerplate language might call for objective third-party insight into software security efforts, such as SSDF gap analysis (https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/ssdf), BSIMMsc measurements, or BSIMM scores. -
The organization has control over its exposure to the risks that come along with using open source components and all the involved dependencies, including dependencies integrated at runtime. Controlling exposure usually includes multiple efforts, with one example being responding to known vulnerabilities in identified open source (see [SR1.5]). The use of open source could also be restricted to predefined projects or to a short list of versions that have been through an approved security screening process, have had unacceptable vulnerabilities remediated, and are made available only through approved internal repositories and containers. For some use cases, policy might preclude any use of open source. The legal department often spearheads additional open source controls due to license compliance objectives and the viral license problem associated with GPL code. SSGs that partner with and educate the legal department can help move an organization to improve its open source risk management practices, which must be applied across the software portfolio to be effective. -
Work with vendors to educate them and promote the organization’s security standards. A healthy relationship with a vendor often starts with contract language (see [CP2.4]), but the SSG should engage with vendors, discuss vendor security practices, and explain in simple terms (rather than legalese) what the organization expects. Any time a vendor adopts the organization’s security standards, it’s a clear sign of progress. Note that standards implemented as security features or infrastructure configuration could be a requirement to services integration with a vendor (see [SFD1.1], [SE1.4]). When the firm’s SSDL is publicly available, communication regarding software security expectations is easier. Likewise, sharing internal practices and measures can make expectations clear. -
Developers use secure coding standards to avoid the most obvious bugs and as ground rules for code review. These standards are necessarily specific to a programming language, and they can address the use of popular frameworks, APIs, libraries, and infrastructure automation. Secure coding standards can also be for low- or no-code platforms (e.g., Microsoft Power Apps, Salesforce Lightning). While enforcement isn’t the point at this stage (see [CR3.5]), violation of standards is a teachable moment for all stakeholders. Other useful coding standards topics include proper use of cloud APIs, use of approved cryptography, memory sanitization, banned functions, open source use, and many others. If the organization already has coding standards for other purposes (e.g., style), its secure coding standards should build upon them. A clear set of secure coding standards is a good way to guide both manual and automated code review, as well as to provide relevant examples for security training. Some groups might choose to integrate their secure coding standards directly into automation. Socializing the benefits of following standards is also a good first step to gaining widespread acceptance (see [SM2.7]). -
The organization standardizes on the use of specific technology stacks, which translates into a reduced workload because teams don’t have to explore new technology risks for every new project. The organization might create a secure base configuration (commonly in the form of golden images, Terraform definitions, etc.) for each technology stack, further reducing the amount of work required to use the stack safely. In cloud environments, hardened configurations likely include up-to-date security patches, configurations, and services, such as logging and monitoring. In traditional onpremises IT deployments, a stack might include an operating system, a database, an application server, and a runtime environment (e.g., a MEAN stack). Standards for secure use of reusable technologies, such as containers, microservices, or orchestration code, means that getting security right in one place positively impacts the security posture of all downstream efforts (see [SE2.5]). -
The SSG is involved in efforts to provide internal practices for technologies so new that industry best practices have not yet been codified. Involving the SSG in exploration efforts to understand and plan for new technology minimizes the negative impacts that insecure implementations will have by proactively accounting for potential security pitfalls. The SSG’s involvement can result in updates to policies and standards [SR1.1], new security requirements for technology stacks [SR3.4], secure-bydesign components and services [SFD2.1, SFD3.2], or coding guidelines [SR3.3]. The SSG must be involved in proactive efforts surrounding the adoption of new technologies rather than merely retroactively securing existing integrations [SFD2.2] or updating policy and standards in response to changing regulations [CP1.1] or emerging threat intelligence [AM1.5].
This effort helps control the chaos associated with adoption of new technologies (such as the rise of AI and LLMs) when development groups might otherwise make decisions on their own without engaging the SSG or champions. It is all about ensuring that security is considered from the beginning instead of having to be bolted on after the fact.
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