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OWASP Building Security In Maturity Model
SR3.5: 0
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Список требований
The SSG is involved in efforts to provide internal practices for technologies so new that industry best practices have not yet been codified. Involving the SSG in exploration efforts to understand and plan for new technology minimizes the negative impacts that insecure implementations will have by proactively accounting for potential security pitfalls. The SSG’s involvement can result in updates to policies and standards [SR1.1], new security requirements for technology stacks [SR3.4], secure-bydesign components and services [SFD2.1, SFD3.2], or coding guidelines [SR3.3]. The SSG must be involved in proactive efforts surrounding the adoption of new technologies rather than merely retroactively securing existing integrations [SFD2.2] or updating policy and standards in response to changing regulations [CP1.1] or emerging threat intelligence [AM1.5].
This effort helps control the chaos associated with adoption of new technologies (such as the rise of AI and LLMs) when development groups might otherwise make decisions on their own without engaging the SSG or champions. It is all about ensuring that security is considered from the beginning instead of having to be bolted on after the fact.
Название | Severity | IP | Integral | |
1111111 111 11 1111 11111111111111111 1111111 1 11111111111111111 |
1 |
11 111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111 1111 1 11111 1111111 |
1 |
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