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OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model
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Список требований
Maturity level: Proactive improvement of threat coverage throughout the organization.
Stream A. Application Risk Profile: Periodically review application risk profiles at regular intervals to ensure accuracy and reflect current state.
Stream B. Threat Modeling: Continuously optimization and automation of your threat modeling methodology.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Consider security explicitly during the software requirements process.
Stream A. Software Requirements: High-level application security objectives are mapped to functional requirements.
Stream B. Supplier Security: Evaluate the supplier based on organizational security requirements.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 -
Maturity level: Mandate security requirements process for all software projects and third-party dependencies.
Stream A. Software Requirements: Build a requirements framework for product teams to utilize.
Stream B. Supplier Security: Ensure proper security coverage for external suppliers by providing clear objectives.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Formally control the software design process and validate utilization of secure components.
Stream A. Architecture Design: Reference architectures are utilized and continuously evaluated for adoption and appropriateness.
Stream B. Technology Management: Impose the use of standard technologies on all software development.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3
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