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OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model
The mission of OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) is to be the prime maturity model for software assurance that provides an effective and measurable way for all types of organizations to analyze and improve their software security posture. OWASP SAMM supports the complete software lifecycle, including development and acquisition, and is technology and process agnostic. It is intentionally built to be evolutive and risk-driven in nature.
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Текущий уровень
Группы областей
Входящая логистика
Создание продукта
Исходящая логистика
Маркетинг, продажа
Обслуживание клиента
Закупки / Снабжение
Опыт клиента
Список требований
Maturity level: Establish a unified strategic roadmap for software security within the organization.
Stream A. Create and Promote: Publish a unified strategy for application security.
Stream B. Measure and Improve: Set targets and KPI's for measuring the program effectiveness.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Align security efforts with the relevant organizational indicators and asset values.
Stream A. Create and Promote: Align the application security program to support the organization's growth.
Stream B. Measure and Improve: Influence the strategy based on the metrics and organizational needs.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Establish application-specific security and compliance baseline.
Stream A. Policy and Standards: Develop security requirements applicable to all applications.
Stream B. Compliance Management: Publish compliance-specific application requirements and test guidance.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Measure adherence to policies, standards, and 3rd-party requirements.
Stream A. Policy and Standards: Measure and report on the status of individual application's adherence to policies and standards.
Stream B. Compliance Management: Measure and report on individual application's compliance with 3rd party requirements.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Proactive improvement of threat coverage throughout the organization.
Stream A. Application Risk Profile: Periodically review application risk profiles at regular intervals to ensure accuracy and reflect current state.
Stream B. Threat Modeling: Continuously optimization and automation of your threat modeling methodology.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Consider security explicitly during the software requirements process.
Stream A. Software Requirements: High-level application security objectives are mapped to functional requirements.
Stream B. Supplier Security: Evaluate the supplier based on organizational security requirements.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 -
Maturity level: Mandate security requirements process for all software projects and third-party dependencies.
Stream A. Software Requirements: Build a requirements framework for product teams to utilize.
Stream B. Supplier Security: Ensure proper security coverage for external suppliers by providing clear objectives.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Formally control the software design process and validate utilization of secure components.
Stream A. Architecture Design: Reference architectures are utilized and continuously evaluated for adoption and appropriateness.
Stream B. Technology Management: Impose the use of standard technologies on all software development.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Build process is repeatable and consistent.
Stream A. Build Process: Create a formal definition of the build process so that it becomes consistent and repeatable.
Stream B. Software Dependencies: Create records with Bill of Materials of your applications and opportunistically analyze these.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 -
Maturity level: Deployment processes are fully documented.
Stream A. Deployment Process: Formalize the deployment process and secure the used tooling and processes.
Stream B. Secret Management: Introduce basic protection measures to limit access to your production secrets.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 -
Maturity level: Perform implementation review to discover application-specific risks against the security requirements.
Stream A. Control Verification: Derive test cases from known security requirements.
Stream B. Misuse/Abuse Testing: Create and test abuse cases and business logic flaw test.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Maintain the application security level after bug fixes, changes or during maintenance.
Stream A. Control Verification: Perform regression testing (with security unit tests).
Stream B. Misuse/Abuse Testing: Denial of service and security stress testing.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Make security testing during development more complete and efficient through automation complemented with regular manual security penetration tests.Stream A. Scalable Baseline: Employ application-specific security testing automation.
Stream B. Deep Understanding: Conduct manual penetration testing.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Embed security testing as part of the development and deployment processes.
Stream A. Scalable Baseline: Integrate automated security testing into the build and deploy process.
Stream B. Deep Understanding: Integrate security testing into development process.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Best-effort patching and hardening
Stream A. Configuration Hardening: Perform best-effort hardening of configurations, based on readily available information.
Stream B. Patching and Updating: Perform best-effort patching of system and application components.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 -
Maturity level: Foundational Practices
Stream A. Data Protection: Implement basic data protection practices.
Stream B. System Decommissioning / Legacy Management: Decommission unused applications and services as identified. Manage customer upgrades/migrations individually.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1
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