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OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model
Для проведения оценки соответствия по документу войдите в систему.
Список требований
Maturity level: Perform implementation review to discover application-specific risks against the security requirements.
Stream A. Control Verification: Derive test cases from known security requirements.
Stream B. Misuse/Abuse Testing: Create and test abuse cases and business logic flaw test.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Maintain the application security level after bug fixes, changes or during maintenance.
Stream A. Control Verification: Perform regression testing (with security unit tests).
Stream B. Misuse/Abuse Testing: Denial of service and security stress testing.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Make security testing during development more complete and efficient through automation complemented with regular manual security penetration tests.Stream A. Scalable Baseline: Employ application-specific security testing automation.
Stream B. Deep Understanding: Conduct manual penetration testing.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Embed security testing as part of the development and deployment processes.
Stream A. Scalable Baseline: Integrate automated security testing into the build and deploy process.
Stream B. Deep Understanding: Integrate security testing into development process.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3
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