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OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model
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Список требований
Maturity level: Establish a unified strategic roadmap for software security within the organization.
Stream A. Create and Promote: Publish a unified strategy for application security.
Stream B. Measure and Improve: Set targets and KPI's for measuring the program effectiveness.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Align security efforts with the relevant organizational indicators and asset values.
Stream A. Create and Promote: Align the application security program to support the organization's growth.
Stream B. Measure and Improve: Influence the strategy based on the metrics and organizational needs.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3 -
Maturity level: Establish application-specific security and compliance baseline.
Stream A. Policy and Standards: Develop security requirements applicable to all applications.
Stream B. Compliance Management: Publish compliance-specific application requirements and test guidance.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 -
Maturity level: Measure adherence to policies, standards, and 3rd-party requirements.
Stream A. Policy and Standards: Measure and report on the status of individual application's adherence to policies and standards.
Stream B. Compliance Management: Measure and report on individual application's compliance with 3rd party requirements.Обязательно для Уровни зрелости 1 2 3
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