Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Framework № PCI DSS 4.0 от 01.03.2022

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (RU)

Requirement 6.3.2

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Список требований

Похожие требования

CIS Critical Security Controls v8 (The 18 CIS CSC):
16.5 Use Up-to-Date and Trusted Third-Party Software Components
Use up-to-date and trusted third-party software components. When possible, choose established and proven frameworks and libraries that provide adequate security. Acquire these components from trusted sources or evaluate the software for vulnerabilities before use. 
Russian Unified Cyber Security Framework (на основе The 18 CIS CSC):
16.5 Реализовано использование актуальных и доверенных компонентов программного обеспечения от сторонних производителей
Компоненты ПО скачиваются из проверенных источников и проверяются на безопасность перед установкой.
Framework № PCI DSS 4.0 от 01.03.2022 "Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard":
Requirement 6.3.2
Defined Approach Requirements: 
An inventory of bespoke and custom software, and third-party software components incorporated into bespoke and custom software is maintained to facilitate vulnerability and patch management. 

Customized Approach Objective:
Known vulnerabilities in third-party software components cannot be exploited in bespoke and custom software. 

Applicability Notes:
This requirement is a best practice until 31 March 2025, after which it will be required and must be fully considered during a PCI DSS assessment. 

Defined Approach Testing Procedures:
  • 6.3.2.a Examine documentation and interview personnel to verify that an inventory of bespoke and custom software and third-party software components incorporated into bespoke and custom software is maintained, and that the inventory is used to identify and address vulnerabilities. 
  • 6.3.2.b Examine software documentation, including for bespoke and custom software that integrates third-party software components, and compare it to the inventory to verify that the inventory includes the bespoke and custom software and third-party software components. 
Identifying and listing all the entity’s bespoke and custom software, and any third-party software that is incorporated into the entity’s bespoke and custom software enables the entity to manage vulnerabilities and patches. 
Vulnerabilities in third-party components (including libraries, APIs, etc.) embedded in an entity’s software also renders those applications vulnerable to attacks. Knowing which third-party components are used in the entity’s software and monitoring the availability of security patches to address known vulnerabilities is critical to ensuring the security of the software. 

Good Practice:
An entity’s inventory should cover all payment software components and dependencies, including supported execution platforms or environments, third-party libraries, services, and other required functionalities. 
There are many different types of solutions that can help with managing software inventories, such as software composition analysis tools, application discovery tools, and mobile device management. 
Методика экспресс-оценки уровня кибербезопасности организации РезБез:
Определен перечень ПО, разрешенного/запрещенного к использованию

Связанные защитные меры

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