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SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Framework № PCI DSS 4.0 от 01.03.2022

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (RU)

Requirement 8.2.2

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Список требований

Похожие требования

Приказ ФСТЭК России № 21 от 18.02.2013 "Состав и содержание мер по обеспечению безопасности персональных данных, необходимых для обеспечения каждого из уровней защищенности персональных данных":
УПД.1 УПД.1 Управление (заведение, активация, блокирование и уничтожение) учетными записями пользователей, в том числе внешних пользователей
Framework № PCI DSS 4.0 от 01.03.2022 "Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard":
Requirement 8.2.2
Defined Approach Requirements: 
Group, shared, or generic accounts, or other shared authentication credentials are only used when necessary on an exception basis, and are managed as follows:
  • Account use is prevented unless needed for an exceptional circumstance.
  • Use is limited to the time needed for the exceptional circumstance.
  • Business justification for use is documented.
  • Use is explicitly approved by management.
  • Individual user identity is confirmed before access to an account is granted.
  • Every action taken is attributable to an individual user. 
Customized Approach Objective:
All actions performed by users with generic, system, or shared IDs are attributable to an individual person. 

Applicability Notes:
This requirement is not intended to apply to user accounts within point-of-sale terminals that have access to only one card number at a time to facilitate a single transaction (such as IDs used by cashiers on point-of-sale terminals). 

Defined Approach Testing Procedures:
  • 8.2.2.a Examine user account lists on system components and applicable documentation to verify that shared authentication credentials are only used when necessary, on an exception basis, and are managed in accordance with all elements specified in this requirement. 
  • 8.2.2.b Examine authentication policies and procedures to verify processes are defined for shared authentication credentials such that they are only used when necessary, on an exception basis, and are managed in accordance with all elements specified in this requirement. 
  • 8.2.2.c Interview system administrators to verify that shared authentication credentials are only used when necessary, on an exception basis, and are managed in accordance with all elements specified in this requirement. 
Group, shared, or generic (or default) accounts are typically delivered with software or operating systems—for example, root or with privileges associated with a specific function, such as an administrator. 
If multiple users share the same authentication credentials (for example, user account and password), it becomes impossible to trace system access and activities to an individual. In turn, this prevents an entity from assigning accountability for, or having effective logging of, an individual’s actions since a given action could have been performed by anyone in the group with knowledge of the user ID and associated authentication factors. 
The ability to associate individuals to the actions performed with an account is essential to provide individual accountability and traceability regarding who performed an action, what action was performed, and when that action occurred. 

Good Practice:
If shared accounts are used for any reason, strong management controls need to be established to maintain individual accountability and traceability.

Tools and techniques can facilitate both management and security of these types of accounts and confirm individual user identity before access to an account is granted. Entities can consider password vaults or other systemmanaged controls such as the sudo command. An example of an exceptional circumstance is where all other authentication methods have failed, and a shared account is needed for emergency use or “break the glass” administrator access. 
Приказ ФСТЭК России № 17 от 11.02.2013 "Требования о защите информации, не составляющей государственную тайну, содержащейся в государственных информационных системах":
УПД.1 УПД.1 Управление (заведение, активация, блокирование и уничтожение) учетными записями пользователей, в том числе внешних пользователей
SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework v2022:
5 - 5.1 Logical Access Control
5.1 Logical Access Control
Приказ ФСТЭК России № 31 от 14.03.2014 "Состав мер защиты информации и их базовые наборы для соответствующего класса защищенности автоматизированной системы управления":
УПД.1 УПД.1 Управление учетными записями пользователей
Приказ ФСТЭК России № 239 от 25.12.2017 "Состав мер по обеспечению безопасности для значимого объекта соответствующей категории значимости":
УПД.1 УПД.1 Управление учетными записями пользователей

Связанные защитные меры

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