Defined Approach Requirements:
Internal vulnerability scans are performed as follows:
- At least once every three months.
- High-risk and critical vulnerabilities (per the entity’s vulnerability risk rankings defined at Requirement 6.3.1) are resolved.
- Rescans are performed that confirm all highrisk and critical vulnerabilities (as noted above) have been resolved.
- Scan tool is kept up to date with latest vulnerability information.
- Scans are performed by qualified personnel and organizational independence of the tester exists.
Customized Approach Objective:
The security posture of all system components is verified periodically using automated tools designed to detect vulnerabilities operating inside the network. Detected vulnerabilities are assessed and rectified based on a formal risk assessment framework
Applicability Notes:
It is not required to use a QSA or ASV to conduct internal vulnerability scans.
Internal vulnerability scans can be performed by qualified, internal staff that are reasonably independent of the system component(s) being scanned (for example, a network administrator should not be responsible for scanning the network), or an entity may choose to have internal vulnerability scans performed by a firm specializing in vulnerability scanning.
Defined Approach Testing Procedures:
- 11.3.1.a Examine internal scan report results from the last 12 months to verify that internal scans occurred at least once every three months in the most recent 12-month period.
- 11.3.1.b Examine internal scan report results from each scan and rescan run in the last 12 months to verify that all high-risk and critical vulnerabilities (identified in PCI DSS Requirement 6.3.1) are resolved.
- 11.3.1.c Examine scan tool configurations and interview personnel to verify that the scan tool is kept up to date with the latest vulnerability information.
- 11.3.1.d Interview responsible personnel to verify that the scan was performed by a qualified internal resource(s) or qualified external third party and that organizational independence of the tester exists.
Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities promptly reduces the likelihood of a vulnerability being exploited and the potential compromise of a system component or cardholder data. Vulnerability scans conducted at least every three months provide this detection and identification.
Good Practice:
Vulnerabilities posing the greatest risk to the environment (for example, ranked high or critical per Requirement 6.3.1) should be resolved with the highest priority.
Multiple scan reports can be combined for the quarterly scan process to show that all systems were scanned and all applicable vulnerabilities were resolved as part of the three-month vulnerability scan cycle. However, additional, documentation may be required to verify nonremediated vulnerabilities are in the process of being resolved.
While scans are required at least once every three months, more frequent scans are recommended depending on the network complexity, frequency of change, and types of devices, software, and operating systems used.
A vulnerability scan is a combination of automated tools, techniques, and/or methods run against external and internal devices and servers, designed to expose potential vulnerabilities in applications, operating systems, and network devices that could be found and exploited by malicious individuals.