Vulnerability Scanning
Techniques Addressed by Mitigation |
Domain | ID | Name | Use | |
Enterprise | T1190 | Exploit Public-Facing Application |
Regularly scan externally facing systems for vulnerabilities and establish procedures to rapidly patch systems when critical vulnerabilities are discovered through scanning and through public disclosure.(Citation: OWASP Top 10) |
Enterprise | T1210 | Exploitation of Remote Services |
Regularly scan the internal network for available services to identify new and potentially vulnerable services. |
Enterprise | T1195 | Supply Chain Compromise |
Continuous monitoring of vulnerability sources and the use of automatic and manual code review tools should also be implemented as well.(Citation: OWASP Top 10) |
T1195.001 | Compromise Software Dependencies and Development Tools |
Continuous monitoring of vulnerability sources and the use of automatic and manual code review tools should also be implemented as well.(Citation: OWASP Top 10) |
T1195.002 | Compromise Software Supply Chain |
Continuous monitoring of vulnerability sources and the use of automatic and manual code review tools should also be implemented as well.(Citation: OWASP Top 10) |
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