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SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Boot Integrity

Use secure methods to boot a system and verify the integrity of the operating system and loading mechanisms.
ID: M1046
Version: 1.0
Created: 11 Jun 2019
Last Modified: 19 May 2020

Techniques Addressed by Mitigation

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1495 Firmware Corruption

Check the integrity of the existing BIOS and device firmware to determine if it is vulnerable to modification.

Enterprise T1601 Modify System Image

Some vendors of embedded network devices provide cryptographic signing to ensure the integrity of operating system images at boot time. Implement where available, following vendor guidelines. (Citation: Cisco IOS Software Integrity Assurance - Secure Boot)

T1601.001 Patch System Image

Some vendors of embedded network devices provide cryptographic signing to ensure the integrity of operating system images at boot time. Implement where available, following vendor guidelines. (Citation: Cisco IOS Software Integrity Assurance - Secure Boot)

T1601.002 Downgrade System Image

Some vendors of embedded network devices provide cryptographic signing to ensure the integrity of operating system images at boot time. Implement where available, following vendor guidelines. (Citation: Cisco IOS Software Integrity Assurance - Secure Boot)

Enterprise T1542 Pre-OS Boot

Use Trusted Platform Module technology and a secure or trusted boot process to prevent system integrity from being compromised. Check the integrity of the existing BIOS or EFI to determine if it is vulnerable to modification. (Citation: TCG Trusted Platform Module) (Citation: TechNet Secure Boot Process)

T1542.001 System Firmware

Check the integrity of the existing BIOS or EFI to determine if it is vulnerable to modification. Use Trusted Platform Module technology. (Citation: TCG Trusted Platform Module) Move system's root of trust to hardware to prevent tampering with the SPI flash memory.(Citation: ESET LoJax Sept 2018) Technologies such as Intel Boot Guard can assist with this. (Citation: Intel Hardware-based Security Technologies)

T1542.003 Bootkit

Use Trusted Platform Module technology and a secure or trusted boot process to prevent system integrity from being compromised. (Citation: TCG Trusted Platform Module) (Citation: TechNet Secure Boot Process)

T1542.004 ROMMONkit

Enable secure boot features to validate the digital signature of the boot environment and system image using a special purpose hardware device. If the validation check fails, the device will fail to boot preventing loading of unauthorized software. (Citation: Cisco IOS Software Integrity Assurance - Secure Boot)

T1542.005 TFTP Boot

Enable secure boot features to validate the digital signature of the boot environment and system image using a special purpose hardware device. If the validation check fails, the device will fail to boot preventing loading of unauthorized software. (Citation: Cisco IOS Software Integrity Assurance - Secure Boot)

Enterprise T1553 T1553.006 Subvert Trust Controls: Code Signing Policy Modification

Use of Secure Boot may prevent some implementations of modification to code signing policies.(Citation: Microsoft TESTSIGNING Feb 2021)

Enterprise T1195 Supply Chain Compromise

Use secure methods to boot a system and verify the integrity of the operating system and loading mechanisms.

T1195.003 Compromise Hardware Supply Chain

Use Trusted Platform Module technology and a secure or trusted boot process to prevent system integrity from being compromised. Check the integrity of the existing BIOS or EFI to determine if it is vulnerable to modification. (Citation: TCG Trusted Platform Module) (Citation: TechNet Secure Boot Process)

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