Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Account Access Removal

Adversaries may interrupt availability of system and network resources by inhibiting access to accounts utilized by legitimate users. Accounts may be deleted, locked, or manipulated (ex: changed credentials) to remove access to accounts. Adversaries may also subsequently log off and/or perform a System Shutdown/Reboot to set malicious changes into place.(Citation: CarbonBlack LockerGoga 2019)(Citation: Unit42 LockerGoga 2019) In Windows, Net utility, Set-LocalUser and Set-ADAccountPassword PowerShell cmdlets may be used by adversaries to modify user accounts. In Linux, the passwd utility may be used to change passwords. Accounts could also be disabled by Group Policy. Adversaries who use ransomware or similar attacks may first perform this and other Impact behaviors, such as Data Destruction and Defacement, in order to impede incident response/recovery before completing the Data Encrypted for Impact objective.

ID: T1531
Tactic(s): Impact
Platforms: IaaS, Linux, macOS, Office Suite, SaaS, Windows
Data Sources: Active Directory: Active Directory Object Modification, User Account: User Account Deletion, User Account: User Account Modification
Impact Type: Availability
Version: 1.3
Created: 09 Oct 2019
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2024

Procedure Examples

Name Description

Akira deletes administrator accounts in victim networks prior to encryption.(Citation: Secureworks GOLD SAHARA)


MegaCortex has changed user account passwords and logged users off the system.(Citation: IBM MegaCortex)


LockerGoga has been observed changing account passwords and logging off current users.(Citation: CarbonBlack LockerGoga 2019)(Citation: Unit42 LockerGoga 2019)


Meteor has the ability to change the password of local users on compromised hosts and can log off users.(Citation: Check Point Meteor Aug 2021)


LAPSUS$ has removed a targeted organization's global admin accounts to lock the organization out of all access.(Citation: MSTIC DEV-0537 Mar 2022)


DEADWOOD changes the password for local and domain users via net.exe to a random 32 character string to prevent these accounts from logging on. Additionally, DEADWOOD will terminate the winlogon.exe process to prevent attempts to log on to the infected system.(Citation: SentinelOne Agrius 2021)


Use process monitoring to monitor the execution and command line parameters of binaries involved in deleting accounts or changing passwords, such as use of Net. Windows event logs may also designate activity associated with an adversary's attempt to remove access to an account: * Event ID 4723 - An attempt was made to change an account's password * Event ID 4724 - An attempt was made to reset an account's password * Event ID 4726 - A user account was deleted * Event ID 4740 - A user account was locked out Alerting on Net and these Event IDs may generate a high degree of false positives, so compare against baseline knowledge for how systems are typically used and correlate modification events with other indications of malicious activity where possible.


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