Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Credentials from Password Stores:  Password Managers

Adversaries may acquire user credentials from third-party password managers.(Citation: ise Password Manager February 2019) Password managers are applications designed to store user credentials, normally in an encrypted database. Credentials are typically accessible after a user provides a master password that unlocks the database. After the database is unlocked, these credentials may be copied to memory. These databases can be stored as files on disk.(Citation: ise Password Manager February 2019) Adversaries may acquire user credentials from password managers by extracting the master password and/or plain-text credentials from memory.(Citation: FoxIT Wocao December 2019)(Citation: Github KeeThief) Adversaries may extract credentials from memory via Exploitation for Credential Access.(Citation: NVD CVE-2019-3610) Adversaries may also try brute forcing via Password Guessing to obtain the master password of a password manager.(Citation: Cyberreason Anchor December 2019)

ID: T1555.005
Sub-technique of:  T1555
Tactic(s): Credential Access
Platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows
Permissions Required: User
Data Sources: Command: Command Execution, File: File Access, Process: OS API Execution, Process: Process Access
Version: 1.0
Created: 22 Jan 2021
Last Modified: 25 Mar 2022

Procedure Examples

Name Description

During Operation Wocao, threat actors accessed and collected credentials from password managers.(Citation: FoxIT Wocao December 2019)

Threat Group-3390

Threat Group-3390 obtained a KeePass database from a compromised host.(Citation: Trend Micro DRBControl February 2020)

Fox Kitten

Fox Kitten has used scripts to access credential information from the KeePass database.(Citation: CISA AA20-259A Iran-Based Actor September 2020)


MarkiRAT can gather information from the Keepass password manager.(Citation: Kaspersky Ferocious Kitten Jun 2021)


Proton gathers credentials in files for 1password.(Citation: objsee mac malware 2017)


TrickBot can steal passwords from the KeePass open source password manager.(Citation: Cyberreason Anchor December 2019)

Operation Wocao

Operation Wocao has accessed and collected credentials from password managers.(Citation: FoxIT Wocao December 2019)


Mitigation Description
Update Software

Perform regular software updates to mitigate exploitation risk.

Software Configuration

Implement configuration changes to software (other than the operating system) to mitigate security risks associated to how the software operates.

Password Policies

Set and enforce secure password policies for accounts.


Consider monitoring API calls, file read events, and processes for suspicious activity that could indicate searching in process memory of password managers. Consider monitoring file reads surrounding known password manager applications.

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