Techniques Used |
Domain | ID | Name | Use | |
Enterprise | T1071 | .001 | Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols |
xCaon has communicated with the C2 server by sending POST requests over HTTP.(Citation: Checkpoint IndigoZebra July 2021) |
Enterprise | T1059 | .003 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell |
xCaon has a command to start an interactive shell.(Citation: Checkpoint IndigoZebra July 2021) |
Enterprise | T1132 | .001 | Data Encoding: Standard Encoding |
xCaon has used Base64 to encode its C2 traffic.(Citation: Checkpoint IndigoZebra July 2021) |
Enterprise | T1573 | .001 | Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography |
xCaon has encrypted data sent to the C2 server using a XOR key.(Citation: Checkpoint IndigoZebra July 2021) |
Enterprise | T1518 | .001 | Software Discovery: Security Software Discovery |
xCaon has checked for the existence of Kaspersky antivirus software on the system.(Citation: Checkpoint IndigoZebra July 2021) |
Groups That Use This Software |
ID | Name | References |
G0136 | IndigoZebra |
(Citation: Checkpoint IndigoZebra July 2021) |
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