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SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
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Forge Web Credentials:  SAML Tokens

An adversary may forge SAML tokens with any permissions claims and lifetimes if they possess a valid SAML token-signing certificate.(Citation: Microsoft SolarWinds Steps) The default lifetime of a SAML token is one hour, but the validity period can be specified in the NotOnOrAfter value of the conditions ... element in a token. This value can be changed using the AccessTokenLifetime in a LifetimeTokenPolicy.(Citation: Microsoft SAML Token Lifetimes) Forged SAML tokens enable adversaries to authenticate across services that use SAML 2.0 as an SSO (single sign-on) mechanism.(Citation: Cyberark Golden SAML) An adversary may utilize Private Keys to compromise an organization's token-signing certificate to create forged SAML tokens. If the adversary has sufficient permissions to establish a new federation trust with their own Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) server, they may instead generate their own trusted token-signing certificate.(Citation: Microsoft SolarWinds Customer Guidance) This differs from Steal Application Access Token and other similar behaviors in that the tokens are new and forged by the adversary, rather than stolen or intercepted from legitimate users. An adversary may gain administrative Azure AD privileges if a SAML token is forged which claims to represent a highly privileged account. This may lead to Use Alternate Authentication Material, which may bypass multi-factor and other authentication protection mechanisms.(Citation: Microsoft SolarWinds Customer Guidance)

ID: T1606.002
Sub-technique of:  T1606
Tactic(s): Credential Access
Platforms: Azure AD, Google Workspace, IaaS, Office 365, SaaS, Windows
Permissions Required: Administrator
Data Sources: Logon Session: Logon Session Creation, Logon Session: Logon Session Metadata, User Account: User Account Authentication, Web Credential: Web Credential Creation, Web Credential: Web Credential Usage
Version: 1.2
Created: 17 Dec 2020
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2021

Procedure Examples

Name Description

AADInternals can be used to create SAML tokens using the AD Federated Services token signing certificate.(Citation: AADInternals Documentation)


APT29 created tokens using compromised SAML signing certificates.(Citation: Microsoft - Customer Guidance on Recent Nation-State Cyber Attacks)(Citation: Secureworks IRON RITUAL Profile)


UNC2452 created tokens using compromised SAML signing certificates.(Citation: Microsoft - Customer Guidance on Recent Nation-State Cyber Attacks)


Mitigation Description
Active Directory Configuration

Configure Active Directory to prevent use of certain techniques; use SID Filtering, etc.


Perform audits or scans of systems, permissions, insecure software, insecure configurations, etc. to identify potential weaknesses.

User Account Management

Manage the creation, modification, use, and permissions associated to user accounts.

Privileged Account Management

Manage the creation, modification, use, and permissions associated to privileged accounts, including SYSTEM and root.


This technique may be difficult to detect as SAML tokens are signed by a trusted certificate. The forging process may not be detectable since it is likely to happen outside of a defender's visibility, but subsequent usage of the forged token may be seen. Monitor for anomalous logins using SAML tokens created by a compromised or adversary generated token-signing certificate. These logins may occur on any on-premises resources as well as from any cloud environment that trusts the certificate.(Citation: Microsoft SolarWinds Customer Guidance) Search for logins to service providers using SAML SSO which do not have corresponding 4769, 1200, and 1202 events in the Domain.(Citation: Sygnia Golden SAML) Consider modifying SAML responses to include custom elements for each service provider. Monitor these custom elements in service provider access logs to detect any anomalous requests.(Citation: Sygnia Golden SAML)

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