Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Execution Guardrails:  Mutual Exclusion

Adversaries may constrain execution or actions based on the presence of a mutex associated with malware. A mutex is a locking mechanism used to synchronize access to a resource. Only one thread or process can acquire a mutex at a given time.(Citation: Microsoft Mutexes) While local mutexes only exist within a given process, allowing multiple threads to synchronize access to a resource, system mutexes can be used to synchronize the activities of multiple processes.(Citation: Microsoft Mutexes) By creating a unique system mutex associated with a particular malware, adversaries can verify whether or not a system has already been compromised.(Citation: Sans Mutexes 2012) In Linux environments, malware may instead attempt to acquire a lock on a mutex file. If the malware is able to acquire the lock, it continues to execute; if it fails, it exits to avoid creating a second instance of itself.(Citation: Intezer RedXOR 2021)(Citation: Deep Instinct BPFDoor 2023) Mutex names may be hard-coded or dynamically generated using a predictable algorithm.(Citation: ICS Mutexes 2015)

ID: T1480.002
Относится к технике:  T1480
Тактика(-и): Defense Evasion
Платформы: Linux, macOS, Windows
Источники данных: File: File Creation, Process: OS API Execution
Дата создания: 19 Sep 2024
Последнее изменение: 28 Oct 2024

Примеры процедур

Название Описание

GrimAgent uses the last 64 bytes of the binary to compute a mutex name. If the generated name is invalid, it will default to the generic `mymutex`.(Citation: Group IB GrimAgent July 2021)


REvil attempts to create a mutex using a hard-coded value to ensure that no other instances of itself are running on the host.(Citation: SecureWorks September 2019)


PoisonIvy creates a mutex using either a custom or default value.(Citation: FireEye Poison Ivy)


SUNSPOT creates a mutex using the hard-coded value ` {12d61a41-4b74-7610-a4d8-3028d2f56395}` to ensure that only one instance of itself is running.(Citation: CrowdStrike SUNSPOT Implant January 2021)


Gazer creates a mutex using the hard-coded value `{531511FA-190D-5D85-8A4A-279F2F592CC7}` to ensure that only one instance of itself is running.(Citation: ESET Gazer Aug 2017)

Black Basta

Black Basta will check for the presence of a hard-coded mutex `dsajdhas.0` before executing.(Citation: Deep Instinct Black Basta August 2022)


Контрмера Описание
Do Not Mitigate

This category is to associate techniques that mitigation might increase risk of compromise and therefore mitigation is not recommended.

Связанные риски

Ничего не найдено


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