Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.


Carbon is a sophisticated, second-stage backdoor and framework that can be used to steal sensitive information from victims. Carbon has been selectively used by Turla to target government and foreign affairs-related organizations in Central Asia.(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017)(Citation: Securelist Turla Oct 2018)
ID: S0335
Platforms: Windows
Version: 1.2
Created: 29 Jan 2019
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2021

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1071 .001 Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols

Carbon can use HTTP in C2 communications.(Citation: Accenture HyperStack October 2020)

Enterprise T1543 .003 Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service

Carbon establishes persistence by creating a service and naming it based off the operating system version running on the current machine.(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017)

Enterprise T1074 .001 Data Staged: Local Data Staging

Carbon creates a base directory that contains the files and folders that are collected.(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017)

Enterprise T1573 .002 Encrypted Channel: Asymmetric Cryptography

Carbon has used RSA encryption for C2 communications.(Citation: Accenture HyperStack October 2020)

Enterprise T1048 .003 Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol: Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol

Carbon uses HTTP to send data to the C2 server.(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017)

Enterprise T1055 .001 Process Injection: Dynamic-link Library Injection

Carbon has a command to inject code into a process.(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017)

Enterprise T1053 .005 Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task

Carbon creates several tasks for later execution to continue persistence on the victim’s machine.(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017)

Groups That Use This Software

ID Name References
G0010 Turla

(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017) (Citation: Secureworks IRON HUNTER Profile)

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