Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Develop Capabilities:  Цифровые сертификаты

Adversaries may create self-signed SSL/TLS certificates that can be used during targeting. SSL/TLS certificates are designed to instill trust. They include information about the key, information about its owner's identity, and the digital signature of an entity that has verified the certificate's contents are correct. If the signature is valid, and the person examining the certificate trusts the signer, then they know they can use that key to communicate with its owner. In the case of self-signing, digital certificates will lack the element of trust associated with the signature of a third-party certificate authority (CA). Adversaries may create self-signed SSL/TLS certificates that can be used to further their operations, such as encrypting C2 traffic (ex: Asymmetric Cryptography with Web Protocols) or even enabling Adversary-in-the-Middle if added to the root of trust (i.e. Install Root Certificate). After creating a digital certificate, an adversary may then install that certificate (see Install Digital Certificate) on infrastructure under their control.

ID: T1587.003
Относится к технике:  T1587
Тактика(-и): Resource Development
Платформы: PRE
Источники данных: Internet Scan: Response Content
Версия: 1.2
Дата создания: 01 Oct 2020
Последнее изменение: 16 Oct 2021

Примеры процедур

Название Описание

APT29 has created self-signed digital certificates to enable mutual TLS authentication for malware.(Citation: PWC WellMess July 2020)(Citation: PWC WellMess C2 August 2020)


PROMETHIUM has created self-signed digital certificates for use in HTTPS C2 traffic.(Citation: Talos Promethium June 2020)

For C0011, Transparent Tribe established SSL certificates on the typo-squatted domains the group registered.(Citation: Cisco Talos Transparent Tribe Education Campaign July 2022)


Контрмера Описание

This category is used for any applicable mitigation activities that apply to techniques occurring before an adversary gains Initial Access, such as Reconnaissance and Resource Development techniques.


Consider use of services that may aid in the tracking of certificates in use on sites across the Internet. In some cases it may be possible to pivot on known pieces of certificate information to uncover other adversary infrastructure.(Citation: Splunk Kovar Certificates 2017) Detection efforts may be focused on related behaviors, such as Web Protocols, Asymmetric Cryptography, and/or Install Root Certificate.

Связанные риски

Ничего не найдено


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