Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Imminent Monitor

Imminent Monitor was a commodity remote access tool (RAT) offered for sale from 2012 until 2019, when an operation was conducted to take down the Imminent Monitor infrastructure. Various cracked versions and variations of this RAT are still in circulation.(Citation: Imminent Unit42 Dec2019)
ID: S0434
Type: TOOL
Platforms: Windows
Version: 1.1
Created: 05 May 2020
Last Modified: 03 Oct 2023

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1555 .003 Credentials from Password Stores: Credentials from Web Browsers

Imminent Monitor has a PasswordRecoveryPacket module for recovering browser passwords.(Citation: QiAnXin APT-C-36 Feb2019)

Enterprise T1564 .001 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and Directories

Imminent Monitor has a dynamic debugging feature to set the file attribute to hidden.(Citation: QiAnXin APT-C-36 Feb2019)

Enterprise T1562 .001 Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools

Imminent Monitor has a feature to disable Windows Task Manager.(Citation: Imminent Unit42 Dec2019)

Enterprise T1070 .004 Indicator Removal: File Deletion

Imminent Monitor has deleted files related to its dynamic debugger feature.(Citation: QiAnXin APT-C-36 Feb2019)

Enterprise T1056 .001 Input Capture: Keylogging

Imminent Monitor has a keylogging module.(Citation: Imminent Unit42 Dec2019)

Enterprise T1021 .001 Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol

Imminent Monitor has a module for performing remote desktop access.(Citation: QiAnXin APT-C-36 Feb2019)

Enterprise T1496 .001 Resource Hijacking: Compute Hijacking

Imminent Monitor has the capability to run a cryptocurrency miner on the victim machine.(Citation: Imminent Unit42 Dec2019)

Groups That Use This Software

ID Name References
G0099 APT-C-36

(Citation: QiAnXin APT-C-36 Feb2019)

G1018 TA2541

(Citation: Proofpoint TA2541 February 2022)

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