Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Data from Information Repositories:  Code Repositories

Adversaries may leverage code repositories to collect valuable information. Code repositories are tools/services that store source code and automate software builds. They may be hosted internally or privately on third party sites such as Github, GitLab, SourceForge, and BitBucket. Users typically interact with code repositories through a web application or command-line utilities such as git. Once adversaries gain access to a victim network or a private code repository, they may collect sensitive information such as proprietary source code or credentials contained within software's source code. Having access to software's source code may allow adversaries to develop Exploits, while credentials may provide access to additional resources using Valid Accounts.(Citation: Wired Uber Breach)(Citation: Krebs Adobe) **Note:** This is distinct from Code Repositories, which focuses on conducting Reconnaissance via public code repositories.

ID: T1213.003
Sub-technique of:  T1213
Tactic(s): Collection
Platforms: SaaS
Data Sources: Application Log: Application Log Content, Logon Session: Logon Session Creation
Version: 1.1
Created: 11 May 2021
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2022

Procedure Examples

Name Description

LAPSUS$ has searched a victim's network for code repositories like GitLab and GitHub to discover further high-privilege account credentials.(Citation: MSTIC DEV-0537 Mar 2022)


APT29 has downloaded source code from code repositories.(Citation: Microsoft Internal Solorigate Investigation Blog)


Mitigation Description
User Training

Train users to be aware of access or manipulation attempts by an adversary to reduce the risk of successful spearphishing, social engineering, and other techniques that involve user interaction.


Perform audits or scans of systems, permissions, insecure software, insecure configurations, etc. to identify potential weaknesses.

User Account Management

Manage the creation, modification, use, and permissions associated to user accounts.

Multi-factor Authentication

Use two or more pieces of evidence to authenticate to a system; such as username and password in addition to a token from a physical smart card or token generator.


Monitor access to code repositories, especially performed by privileged users such as Active Directory Domain or Enterprise Administrators as these types of accounts should generally not be used to access code repositories. In environments with high-maturity, it may be possible to leverage User-Behavioral Analytics (UBA) platforms to detect and alert on user-based anomalies.

Связанные риски

Ничего не найдено


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