Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.


Honeybee is a campaign led by an unknown actor that targets humanitarian aid organizations and has been active in Vietnam, Singapore, Argentina, Japan, Indonesia, and Canada. It has been an active operation since August of 2017 and as recently as February 2018. (Citation: McAfee Honeybee)
ID: G0072
Associated Groups: 
Version: 1.1
Created: 17 Oct 2018
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2022

Associated Group Descriptions

Name Description

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1548 .002 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control

Honeybee uses a combination of NTWDBLIB.dll and cliconfg.exe to bypass UAC protections using DLL hijacking.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1071 .002 Application Layer Protocol: File Transfer Protocols

Honeybee uses FTP for command and control.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1547 .001 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

Honeybee uses a batch file that configures the ComSysApp service to autostart in order to establish persistence.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1059 .003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell

Several commands are supported by the Honeybee's implant via the command-line interface and there’s also a utility to execute any custom command on an infected endpoint.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee) Honeybee used batch scripting.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

.005 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual Basic

Honeybee embeds a Visual Basic script within a malicious Word document as part of initial access; the script is executed when the Word document is opened.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1543 .003 Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service

Honeybee has batch files that modify the system service COMSysApp to load a malicious DLL.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1074 .001 Data Staged: Local Data Staging

Honeybee adds collected files to a temp.zip file saved in the %temp% folder, then base64 encodes it and uploads it to control server.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1546 .009 Event Triggered Execution: AppCert DLLs

Honeybee's service-based DLL implant can execute a downloaded file with parameters specified using CreateProcessAsUser.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1070 .004 Indicator Removal: File Deletion

Honeybee removes batch files to reduce fingerprint on the system as well as deletes the CAB file that gets encoded upon infection.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1553 .002 Subvert Trust Controls: Code Signing

Honeybee uses a dropper called MaoCheng that harvests a stolen digital signature from Adobe Systems.(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)

Enterprise T1569 .002 System Services: Service Execution

Honeybee launches a DLL file that gets executed as a service using svchost.exe(Citation: McAfee Honeybee)


ID Name References Techniques
S0057 Tasklist (Citation: McAfee Honeybee) (Citation: Microsoft Tasklist) Process Discovery, System Service Discovery, Security Software Discovery
S0096 Systeminfo (Citation: McAfee Honeybee) (Citation: TechNet Systeminfo) System Information Discovery
S0106 cmd (Citation: McAfee Honeybee) (Citation: TechNet Cmd) (Citation: TechNet Copy) (Citation: TechNet Del) (Citation: TechNet Dir) File and Directory Discovery, Ingress Tool Transfer, System Information Discovery, File Deletion, Windows Command Shell, Lateral Tool Transfer
S0075 Reg (Citation: McAfee Honeybee) (Citation: Microsoft Reg) (Citation: Windows Commands JPCERT) Credentials in Registry, Query Registry, Modify Registry

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