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SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
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Trojan.Karagany is a modular remote access tool used for recon and linked to Dragonfly. The source code for Trojan.Karagany originated from Dream Loader malware which was leaked in 2010 and sold on underground forums. (Citation: Symantec Dragonfly)(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)(Citation: Dragos DYMALLOY )
ID: S0094
Associated Software: xFrost Karagany
Platforms: Windows
Version: 3.0
Created: 31 May 2017
Last Modified: 19 Apr 2022

Associated Software Descriptions

Name Description
xFrost (Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)
Karagany (Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1071 .001 Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols

Trojan.Karagany can communicate with C2 via HTTP POST requests.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1547 .001 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

Trojan.Karagany can create a link to itself in the Startup folder to automatically start itself upon system restart.(Citation: Symantec Dragonfly)(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1059 .003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell

Trojan.Karagany can perform reconnaissance commands on a victim machine via a cmd.exe process.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1555 .003 Credentials from Password Stores: Credentials from Web Browsers

Trojan.Karagany can steal data and credentials from browsers.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1074 .001 Data Staged: Local Data Staging

Trojan.Karagany can create directories to store plugin output and stage data for exfiltration.(Citation: Symantec Dragonfly)(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1573 .002 Encrypted Channel: Asymmetric Cryptography

Trojan.Karagany can secure C2 communications with SSL and TLS.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1070 .004 Indicator Removal: File Deletion

Trojan.Karagany has used plugins with a self-delete capability.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1056 .001 Input Capture: Keylogging

Trojan.Karagany can capture keystrokes on a compromised host.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1027 .002 Obfuscated Files or Information: Software Packing

Trojan.Karagany samples sometimes use common binary packers such as UPX and Aspack on top of a custom Delphi binary packer.(Citation: Symantec Dragonfly)(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1055 .003 Process Injection: Thread Execution Hijacking

Trojan.Karagany can inject a suspended thread of its own process into a new process and initiate via the ResumeThread API.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Enterprise T1497 .001 Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion: System Checks

Trojan.Karagany can detect commonly used and generic virtualization platforms based primarily on drivers and file paths.(Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

Groups That Use This Software

ID Name References
G0074 Dragonfly 2.0

(Citation: Symantec Dragonfly Sept 2017) (Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019)

G0035 Dragonfly

(Citation: Symantec Dragonfly) (Citation: Secureworks Karagany July 2019) (Citation: Gigamon Berserk Bear October 2021)

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