Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Silent Librarian

Silent Librarian is a group that has targeted research and proprietary data at universities, government agencies, and private sector companies worldwide since at least 2013. Members of Silent Librarian are known to have been affiliated with the Iran-based Mabna Institute which has conducted cyber intrusions at the behest of the government of Iran, specifically the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)(Citation: Phish Labs Silent Librarian)(Citation: Malwarebytes Silent Librarian October 2020)
ID: G0122
Associated Groups: TA407, COBALT DICKENS
Version: 1.0
Created: 03 Feb 2021
Last Modified: 21 Apr 2021

Associated Group Descriptions

Name Description
TA407 (Citation: Proofpoint TA407 September 2019)(Citation: Malwarebytes Silent Librarian October 2020)
COBALT DICKENS (Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS August 2018)(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS September 2019)(Citation: Proofpoint TA407 September 2019)(Citation: Malwarebytes Silent Librarian October 2020)

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1583 .001 Acquire Infrastructure: Domains

Silent Librarian has acquired domains to establish credential harvesting pages, often spoofing the target organization and using free top level domains .TK, .ML, .GA, .CF, and .GQ.(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)(Citation: Phish Labs Silent Librarian)(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS August 2018)(Citation: Proofpoint TA407 September 2019)(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS September 2019)(Citation: Malwarebytes Silent Librarian October 2020)

Enterprise T1110 .003 Brute Force: Password Spraying

Silent Librarian has used collected lists of names and e-mail accounts to use in password spraying attacks against private sector targets.(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)

Enterprise T1114 .003 Email Collection: Email Forwarding Rule

Silent Librarian has set up auto forwarding rules on compromised e-mail accounts.(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)

Enterprise T1585 .002 Establish Accounts: Email Accounts

Silent Librarian has established e-mail accounts to receive e-mails forwarded from compromised accounts.(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)

Enterprise T1589 .002 Gather Victim Identity Information: Email Addresses

Silent Librarian has collected e-mail addresses from targeted organizations from open Internet searches.(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)

.003 Gather Victim Identity Information: Employee Names

Silent Librarian has collected lists of names for individuals from targeted organizations.(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)

Enterprise T1588 .002 Obtain Capabilities: Tool

Silent Librarian has obtained free and publicly available tools including SingleFile and HTTrack to copy login pages of targeted organizations.(Citation: Proofpoint TA407 September 2019)(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS September 2019)

.004 Obtain Capabilities: Digital Certificates

Silent Librarian has obtained free Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for use on their phishing pages.(Citation: Phish Labs Silent Librarian)(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS September 2019)

Enterprise T1598 .003 Phishing for Information: Spearphishing Link

Silent Librarian has used links in e-mails to direct victims to credential harvesting websites designed to appear like the targeted organization's login page.(Citation: DOJ Iran Indictments March 2018)(Citation: Phish Labs Silent Librarian)(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS August 2018)(Citation: Proofpoint TA407 September 2019)(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS September 2019)(Citation: Malwarebytes Silent Librarian October 2020)

Enterprise T1608 .005 Stage Capabilities: Link Target

Silent Librarian has cloned victim organization login pages and staged them for later use in credential harvesting campaigns. Silent Librarian has also made use of a variety of URL shorteners for these staged websites.(Citation: Secureworks COBALT DICKENS September 2019)(Citation: Malwarebytes Silent Librarian October 2020)(Citation: Proofpoint TA407 September 2019)


ID Name References Techniques


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