Raspberry Robin
by some vendors.(Citation: Microsoft RaspberryRobin 2022)
Techniques Used |
Domain | ID | Name | Use | |
Enterprise | T1548 | .002 | Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control |
Raspberry Robin will use the legitimate Windows utility fodhelper.exe to run processes at elevated privileges without requiring a User Account Control prompt.(Citation: RedCanary RaspberryRobin 2022) |
Enterprise | T1583 | .001 | Acquire Infrastructure: Domains |
Raspberry Robin uses newly-registered domains containing only a few characters for command and controll purposes, such as " |
.008 | Acquire Infrastructure: Malvertising |
Raspberry Robin variants have been delivered via malicious advertising items that, when interacted with, download a malicious archive file containing the initial payload, hosted on services such as Discord.(Citation: HP RaspberryRobin 2024) |
Enterprise | T1071 | .001 | Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols |
Raspberry Robin uses outbound HTTP requests containing victim information for retrieving second stage payloads.(Citation: RedCanary RaspberryRobin 2022) Variants of Raspberry Robin can download archive files (such as 7-Zip files) via the victim web browser for second stage execution.(Citation: HP RaspberryRobin 2024) |
Enterprise | T1547 | .001 | Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder |
Raspberry Robin will use a Registry key to achieve persistence through reboot, setting a RunOnce key such as: |
Enterprise | T1059 | .003 | Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell |
Raspberry Robin uses cmd.exe to read and execute a file stored on an infected USB device as part of initial installation.(Citation: RedCanary RaspberryRobin 2022) |
Enterprise | T1574 | .002 | Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading |
Raspberry Robin can use legitimate, signed EXE files paired with malicious DLL files to load and run malicious payloads while bypassing defenses.(Citation: HP RaspberryRobin 2024) |
Enterprise | T1562 | .001 | Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools |
Raspberry Robin can add an exception to Microsoft Defender that excludes the entire main drive from anti-malware scanning to evade detection.(Citation: HP RaspberryRobin 2024) |
Enterprise | T1070 | .004 | Indicator Removal: File Deletion |
Raspberry Robin can delete its initial delivery script from disk during execution.(Citation: HP RaspberryRobin 2024) |
.009 | Indicator Removal: Clear Persistence |
Raspberry Robin uses a |
Enterprise | T1559 | .001 | Inter-Process Communication: Component Object Model |
Raspberry Robin creates an elevated COM object for |
Enterprise | T1036 | .004 | Masquerading: Masquerade Task or Service |
Raspberry Robin will execute its payload prior to initializing command and control traffic by impersonating one of several legitimate program names such as dllhost.exe, regsvr32.exe, or rundll32.exe.(Citation: TrendMicro RaspberryRobin 2022) |
.008 | Masquerading: Masquerade File Type |
Raspberry Robin has historically been delivered via infected USB drives containing a malicious LNK object masquerading as a legitimate folder.(Citation: RedCanary RaspberryRobin 2022) |
Enterprise | T1027 | .002 | Obfuscated Files or Information: Software Packing |
Raspberry Robin contains multiple payloads that are packed for defense evasion purposes and unpacked on runtime.(Citation: TrendMicro RaspberryRobin 2022) |
Enterprise | T1055 | .012 | Process Injection: Process Hollowing |
Raspberry Robin will execute a legitimate process, then suspend it to inject code for a Tor client into the process, followed by resumption of the process to enable Tor client execution.(Citation: TrendMicro RaspberryRobin 2022) |
Enterprise | T1518 | .001 | Software Discovery: Security Software Discovery |
Raspberry Robin attempts to identify security software running on the victim machine, such as BitDefender, Avast, and Kaspersky.(Citation: TrendMicro RaspberryRobin 2022)(Citation: HP RaspberryRobin 2024) |
Enterprise | T1218 | .007 | System Binary Proxy Execution: Msiexec |
Raspberry Robin uses msiexec.exe for post-installation communication to command and control infrastructure.(Citation: RedCanary RaspberryRobin 2022) Msiexec.exe is executed referencing a remote resource for second-stage payload retrieval and execution.(Citation: TrendMicro RaspberryRobin 2022) |
.008 | System Binary Proxy Execution: Odbcconf |
Raspberry Robin uses the Windows utility odbcconf.exe to execute malicious commands, using the |
.010 | System Binary Proxy Execution: Regsvr32 |
Raspberry Robin uses regsvr32.exe execution without any command line parameters for command and control requests to IP addresses associated with Tor nodes.(Citation: RedCanary RaspberryRobin 2022) |
.011 | System Binary Proxy Execution: Rundll32 |
Raspberry Robin uses rundll32 execution without any command line parameters to contact command and control infrastructure, such as IP addresses associated with Tor nodes.(Citation: RedCanary RaspberryRobin 2022) |
Enterprise | T1497 | .001 | Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion: System Checks |
Raspberry Robin performs a variety of system environment checks to determine if it is running in a virtualized or sandboxed environment, such as querying CPU temperature information and network card MAC address information.(Citation: HP RaspberryRobin 2024) |
- Christopher So. (2022, December 20). Raspberry Robin Malware Targets Telecom, Governments. Retrieved May 17, 2024.
- Jan Vojtěšek. (2022, September 22). Raspberry Robin’s Roshtyak: A Little Lesson in Trickery. Retrieved May 17, 2024.
- Lauren Podber and Stef Rand. (2022, May 5). Raspberry Robin gets the worm early. Retrieved May 17, 2024.
- Microsoft Threat Intelligence. (2022, October 27). Raspberry Robin worm part of larger ecosystem facilitating pre-ransomware activity. Retrieved May 17, 2024.
- Patrick Schläpfer . (2024, April 10). Raspberry Robin Now Spreading Through Windows Script Files. Retrieved May 17, 2024.
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