Куда я попал?
SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.

Proxy:  Internal Proxy

Adversaries may use an internal proxy to direct command and control traffic between two or more systems in a compromised environment. Many tools exist that enable traffic redirection through proxies or port redirection, including HTRAN, ZXProxy, and ZXPortMap. (Citation: Trend Micro APT Attack Tools) Adversaries use internal proxies to manage command and control communications inside a compromised environment, to reduce the number of simultaneous outbound network connections, to provide resiliency in the face of connection loss, or to ride over existing trusted communications paths between infected systems to avoid suspicion. Internal proxy connections may use common peer-to-peer (p2p) networking protocols, such as SMB, to better blend in with the environment. By using a compromised internal system as a proxy, adversaries may conceal the true destination of C2 traffic while reducing the need for numerous connections to external systems.

ID: T1090.001
Sub-technique of:  T1090
Tactic(s): Command and Control
Platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows
Data Sources: Network Traffic: Network Connection Creation, Network Traffic: Network Traffic Content, Network Traffic: Network Traffic Flow
Version: 1.0
Created: 14 Mar 2020
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2020

Procedure Examples

Name Description

Pay2Key has designated machines in the compromised network to serve as reverse proxy pivot points to channel communications with C2.(Citation: ClearkSky Fox Kitten February 2020)(Citation: Check Point Pay2Key November 2020)


Duqu can be configured to have commands relayed over a peer-to-peer network of infected hosts if some of the hosts do not have Internet access.(Citation: Symantec W32.Duqu)


CHOPSTICK used a proxy server between victims and the C2 server.(Citation: ESET Sednit Part 2)


Drovorub can use a port forwarding rule on its agent module to relay network traffic through the client module to a remote host on the same network.(Citation: NSA/FBI Drovorub August 2020)

Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike can be configured to have commands relayed over a peer-to-peer network of infected hosts. This can be used to limit the number of egress points, or provide access to a host without direct internet access.(Citation: cobaltstrike manual)(Citation: Cobalt Strike Manual 4.3 November 2020)


Higaisa discovered system proxy settings and used them if available.(Citation: Zscaler Higaisa 2020)


Mythic can leverage a peer-to-peer C2 profile between agents.(Citation: Mythc Documentation)

Winnti for Windows

The Winnti for Windows HTTP/S C2 mode can make use of a local proxy.(Citation: Novetta Winnti April 2015)


Strider has used local servers with both local network and Internet access to act as internal proxy nodes to exfiltrate data from other parts of the network without direct Internet access.(Citation: Kaspersky ProjectSauron Blog)


MiniDuke can can use a named pipe to forward communications from one compromised machine with internet access to other compromised machines.(Citation: ESET Dukes October 2019)


FatDuke can used pipes to connect machines with restricted internet access to remote machines via other infected hosts.(Citation: ESET Dukes October 2019)


Kazuar has used internal nodes on the compromised network for C2 communications.(Citation: Accenture HyperStack October 2020)


The "ZJ" variant of BACKSPACE allows "ZJ link" infections with Internet access to relay traffic from "ZJ listen" to a command server.(Citation: FireEye APT30)


APT29 has used SSH port forwarding capabilities on public-facing systems, and configured at least one instance of Cobalt Strike to use a network pipe over SMB during the 2020 SolarWinds intrusion.(Citation: Symantec RAINDROP January 2021)(Citation: CrowdStrike StellarParticle January 2022)


Turla has compromised internal network systems to act as a proxy to forward traffic to C2.(Citation: Talos TinyTurla September 2021)


InvisiMole can function as a proxy to create a server that relays communication between the client and C&C server, or between two clients.(Citation: ESET InvisiMole June 2018)

Lazarus Group

Lazarus Group has used a compromised router to serve as a proxy between a victim network's corporate and restricted segments.(Citation: Kaspersky ThreatNeedle Feb 2021)

During Operation Wocao, threat actors proxied traffic through multiple infected systems.(Citation: FoxIT Wocao December 2019)

Operation Wocao

Operation Wocao can proxy traffic through multiple infected systems.(Citation: FoxIT Wocao December 2019)

Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike can be configured to have commands relayed over a peer-to-peer network of infected hosts. This can be used to limit the number of egress points, or provide access to a host without direct internet access.(Citation: cobaltstrike manual)


Hikit supports peer connections.(Citation: Novetta-Axiom)


APT39 used custom tools to create SOCK5 and custom protocol proxies between infected hosts.(Citation: FireEye APT39 Jan 2019)(Citation: BitDefender Chafer May 2020)


Stuxnet installs an RPC server for P2P communications.(Citation: Symantec W.32 Stuxnet Dossier)


UNC2452 configured at least one instance of Cobalt Strike to use a network pipe over SMB during the 2020 SolarWinds intrusion.(Citation: Symantec RAINDROP January 2021)


Mitigation Description
Network Intrusion Prevention

Use intrusion detection signatures to block traffic at network boundaries.


Analyze network data for uncommon data flows between clients that should not or often do not communicate with one another. Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious. Analyze packet contents to detect communications that do not follow the expected protocol behavior for the port that is being used.(Citation: University of Birmingham C2)


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