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SECURITM это SGRC система, ? автоматизирующая процессы в службах информационной безопасности. SECURITM помогает построить и управлять ИСПДн, КИИ, ГИС, СМИБ/СУИБ, банковскими системами защиты.
А еще SECURITM это место для обмена опытом и наработками для служб безопасности.


QuasarRAT is an open-source, remote access tool that has been publicly available on GitHub since at least 2014. QuasarRAT is developed in the C# language.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)
ID: S0262
Associated Software: xRAT
Type: TOOL
Platforms: Windows
Version: 2.1
Created: 17 Oct 2018
Last Modified: 07 May 2024

Associated Software Descriptions

Name Description
xRAT (Citation: TrendMicro Patchwork Dec 2017)(Citation: Securelist APT10 March 2021)

Techniques Used

Domain ID Name Use
Enterprise T1548 .002 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control

QuasarRAT can generate a UAC pop-up Window to prompt the target user to run a command as the administrator.(Citation: CISA AR18-352A Quasar RAT December 2018)

Enterprise T1547 .001 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder

If the QuasarRAT client process does not have administrator privileges it will add a registry key to `HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run` for persistence.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: CISA AR18-352A Quasar RAT December 2018)

Enterprise T1059 .003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell

QuasarRAT can launch a remote shell to execute commands on the victim’s machine.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: CISA AR18-352A Quasar RAT December 2018)

Enterprise T1555 .003 Credentials from Password Stores: Credentials from Web Browsers

QuasarRAT can obtain passwords from common web browsers.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)

Enterprise T1573 .001 Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography

QuasarRAT uses AES with a hardcoded pre-shared key to encrypt network communication.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)(Citation: CISA AR18-352A Quasar RAT December 2018)

Enterprise T1564 .001 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and Directories

QuasarRAT has the ability to set file attributes to "hidden" to hide files from the compromised user's view in Windows File Explorer.(Citation: CISA AR18-352A Quasar RAT December 2018)

.003 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Window

QuasarRAT can hide process windows and make web requests invisible to the compromised user. Requests marked as invisible have been sent with user-agent string `Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/7046A194A` though QuasarRAT can only be run on Windows systems.(Citation: CISA AR18-352A Quasar RAT December 2018)

Enterprise T1056 .001 Input Capture: Keylogging

QuasarRAT has a built-in keylogger.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)

Enterprise T1021 .001 Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol

QuasarRAT has a module for performing remote desktop access.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)

Enterprise T1053 .005 Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task

QuasarRAT contains a .NET wrapper DLL for creating and managing scheduled tasks for maintaining persistence upon reboot.(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)(Citation: CISA AR18-352A Quasar RAT December 2018)

Enterprise T1553 .002 Subvert Trust Controls: Code Signing

A QuasarRAT .dll file is digitally signed by a certificate from AirVPN.(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)

Enterprise T1552 .001 Unsecured Credentials: Credentials In Files

QuasarRAT can obtain passwords from FTP clients.(Citation: GitHub QuasarRAT)(Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)

Groups That Use This Software

ID Name References
G0040 Patchwork

(Citation: TrendMicro Patchwork Dec 2017) (Citation: Volexity Patchwork June 2018)

G0140 LazyScripter

(Citation: MalwareBytes LazyScripter Feb 2021)

G0078 Gorgon Group

(Citation: Unit 42 Gorgon Group Aug 2018)

G0094 Kimsuky

(Citation: Mandiant APT43 March 2024)

G0045 menuPass

(Citation: DOJ APT10 Dec 2018) (Citation: Symantec Cicada November 2020) (Citation: Securelist APT10 March 2021)

G0135 BackdoorDiplomacy

(Citation: ESET BackdoorDiplomacy Jun 2021)

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